Wrecky minion Lauren sent in today's cookie cake with a single, desperate plea:
"Tell me what this means!!"
And while I agree that it appears to be some kind of secret hieroglyphic code - no doubt used to communicate government secrets to fondant sympathizers - I honestly have no clue what it says.
So help me out, peeps:
My best guess?
Carrots seize (seas) the G3 checkpoint.
(Aha! Maybe someone is calling the Carrot Jockeys to action?)
And while you're at it, can somebody PLEASE tell me what this is?
Because all I see is a bleeding rain cloud. Or maybe a bleeding frozen brain. Oh! Oh! Could it be Frozen/ Walking Dead cross-over? DARE TO DREAM, PEOPLE.
Thanks to Lauren & Anonymous for finding either awesomely clever cake puzzles, or the world's most fiendish decorator trolls. (That bleeding thing is almost $34. THIRTY FOUR DOLLARS!)
Thank you for using our Amazon links to shop! USA, UK, Canada.
Reader Comments (84)
1st cake? -- I got nothin'. But I like the suggestion that it was a practice cake.
2nd cake = Zombie food. Braaaaaiins!
First cake: 2 caret engagement ring; cruise for honeymoon; not G3 but G and sum sign - grand sum of "check" needed to pay for first two.
Second cake: This is what happens to your brain if you make another cupcake cake: it will be slashed by cake purists.
The second one is obviously the remains of Raffi's Baby Beluga after he wandered (swam?) into the rough side of the ocean and ran into the White Shark gang. As for the first one? I got nothing.
I think the first one might actually be carrots/vegetables + water are good for you?
second one I'm going with sheep being eaten alive by a kea. A thing that actually happens in NZ.
The first one means good luck though I'm not sure what sea carrots have to do with anything…
The second just… sometimes I despair… lets just say it's a decapitated poodle
Bonus Saturday post, yay!
Kudos to the decorator of puzzle #2 for nailing the bloody look, dribbles and all. But who segregated the cupcakes? Someone call the ACLU (American Cupcake Liberties Union)!
My 7-year-old son looked at cake #1 and said immediately, "Oh, that's supposed to be a jack-o-lantern!"
Second one looks like Raggedy Ann had an accident.
The bloody's from Sharknado. The end of the movie where the shark gets sliced open and dies a bloody and gruesome death.
You know that picture of the giant snake that followed a crocodile? The second one is a copy of that. Except it's Santa and a Smurf.
I think the first one is just two carrots floating above a blue squiggly line.
No clue what G3check means.
In the second cake its obvious that someone spilled strawberry jelly on Antarctica.
The first cake called to mind the book I just finished reading named Creepy Carrots. It's by Aaron Reynolds, illustrated by Peter Brown and is way more coherent than the first cake--or the second one. I am thinking I need to go bake chocolate chip cookies this afternoon, though.
While everyone else seems to be guessing about diamond rings for the first cake... all I can see is references to a cell phone... 2 bars reception - although I really don't get the carrot reference, G3 speed, wavy line denotes vibrate? I dunno how they all fit together... hate it when i can't figure it out!! Not even going to try to figure out the 2nd cake...
I think that first cake might be a deliberate attempt to be featured here on CW, hence the two carrots hovering over C and a sideways W, made so just for insurance purposes. CW feature? CHECK!
The second could be the frothy Red Sea, during Moses' attempt to part it. Thoughts?
Thanks Jen, John, and CW staffers for continually making us laugh, think, and share. Keep on rockin'!
We just passed Kurban Bayram (Eid al-Adha), the Muslim feast of sacrifice. So of course bleeding sheep are in the spirit of the holidays.
Re: the first, no idea.
The second... I'm currently halfway through a book that has a five-ton war sheep named Eustace who, at one point, wades partially into a river of blood and starts drinking from it.
I can't think of anything else that would fit this image more perfectly!
(For the curious, it's The March North, by Graydon Saunders, and the war sheep isn't even the best bit by far)
I thought the bleeding cloud thing was a bleeding sheep when I first saw it. Not an improvement. Bleh!
I think the first one is palm trees over the ocean.
I thought the 2nd one looked like smashed santa, but I was just including the chocolate cupcakes in the "design." Ignoring that and considering the red drips could have been an error, it looks like a roundish light blue item with red cut outs. Maybe those are wheels? So maybe it's a car or motorcycle?
I, Anne Elk, have a theory about cookies.
This is my theory. it belongs to me, it is my theory, and this is what it is:
Cookies are round and crunchy and have icing on top.
That is my theory, and what it is also.
(3.14159 geek points if you know who Anne Elk is)
Actually, my theory is that the apparent tick is meant to be a V and the 3 is an M, so the inscription reads
Which obviously means, this cookie celebrates (or warns against?) the release of a new General Motors Vehicle which takes in carrots as fuel and emits nothing but water! Wow, what an innovation!
1st one: ????
2nd one: My guess would be Killer Sheep!!!!
According to Wikipedia, G3 is a type of combat rifle. This suggests a possible link between cake 1 and cake 2.
If we're going with a bloody sheep for #2, it could be for the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha (~ Oct. 3-6) aka the Feast of the Sacrifice, commemorating Abraham sacrificing a ram instead of Ishmael.
Santa killed by an avalanche?
Okay. So after some deep pondering, I have come up with an explination for cake No. 1. It is a hint as to what the future will be like, now that the governemnt has befriended the Mutant Carrots. There will be carrots ruling the world and they will be able to walk on the seas. And because of climate change that was forced to occur since the carrots have insane preferences, the sea life has been forced to adapt into G, 3 and check shapes. Or it could just be a pumpkin with carrots for eyes.
#1: I see two orange tornados with green toupees, a blue snake, and the word LEG written backwards.
#2: A brain with bites taken out of it. Poor zombies, they are gonna be so disappointed when they find out it's only cake.
Cake #2 - The gutted and beheaded sheep (yuk!) is either covert code for "the aliens have landed",
or, perhaps it is an abduction celebration cake by a wreckerator who was (thankfully) feeling too subtle to go with other abductee visual tropes.
A serious shaving accident? Shaving cream and blood is all I see.
First one: Carrots trying to find the G Spot and check - it worked?
Second one: A Kosher sheep being slaughtered?
The cookie cake looks like secret Masonic symbols, perhaps a map to where they've stashed the Ark of the Covenant.
The second may be a representation of Blood Falls. An Antarctic glacier with an unusual flow of iron tainted saltwater:
Funny story-- that IS a frozen bleeding brain cake, but not in the way you think! I laughed for about five minutes when I found that, because that came from the store I just quit, but I SWEAR it isn't the decorator's fault.
As so often happens at major grocery chain stores, we have reeaaally weird customers coming in, making--let's face it-- STRANGE requests, and then NEVER COMING BACK. They were the bane of my existence. (Right after people coming in and requesting fondant cake designs from a bakery that DOESN'T USE FONDANT, yes, I'm looking at you, BRIDES AND SIXTEEN YEAR OLD GIRLS AND EXPECTING MOTHERS AND oh never mind.)
But yes, someone ASKED for that bleeding brain cake, which was lovingly executed by my manager (with all due good humor), and it actually looked really good. You know, before it was abandoned and then shrugged into the freezer in the hopes that it might make it close enough to the Halloween season to be sellable.
Which...didn't happen.
See, he used blue squiggles and pink squiggles of airbrush for that mottled, brainy look, but when a cake has been airbrushed and frozen, the colors bleed! Blegh! And when it sits unloved in the display case for too long, the pink fades right back to white! That is some disappearing (p)ink, I tell you. *slapped*
But you were right, in the end-- we were hoping someone would celebrate the Walking Dead season 5 premier with a huge party. Apparently we dreamed too big.
The carrots are going into the under-sea caverns and someone needs to get a doctor for that poor bleeding brain.
I think the first cake means "Diamonds are a girls best friend."
Diamonds (carats)
Are (math symbol for approximate to)
G (girls)
B (stylized)
Check Mark (can be a symbol for bon or good)
Just a guess though.
Happy deciphering!