Father's Day Pictionary

Looking for a fun bonding experience with Dad this weekend? Then how about a little cake Pictionary? It's easy! Here, I'll get you started.

B) A ball cap
C) Worth $3.99
The answer, of course, is D.
See? Easy!
Ok, your turn.
Is this:

B) A golf bag
C) An appropriate use of an ellipsis
Okay, now here's a tough one. Prepare for multiple multiple choices!
C) The Hamburgler, turned inside out
E) Still more appetizing than this:

Please tell me in the comments, because I have no friggin' idea.
Thank you.
Reader Comments (111)
I LOVE Fluffy Cow's responses! LOL
@BB, Miami @12:33
#1 is an easy chair --- a big, over stuffed chair. A blue one. #2 is a golf bag, no doubt about it. #3 still has be a bit confused, I don't see a BBQ grill, but when in doubt, call it a grill. #4 is tools --- that fire hydrant thingy is a double ended wrench with a bolt in the end --- the other end is hidden by the reflection.
1) Even though it's probably supposed to be a hat, I like Fluffy Cow's "mooning Smurf".
2) I initially saw a mug of beer/hot co-co/latte. I'm sure they're supposed to be golf clubs, my dad wouldn't use clubs like that....
3) An angry bottle of Pepto Bismol.
4) LOL at mary b.! I wouldn't use tools like that...don't know where they've been!
wv: poustint: What happens to #2 when you eat lots of blue frosting.
Before I read the choice of hat for the first one, I definitely saw a tombstone for Dad and thought maybe it was one of those over the hill cakes in a cheery blue blob.
The third one was just about everything suggested BUT a grill. I was thinking maybe an arm chair with a white book nearby or maybe a hamburger-person where the big part is the hamburger torso, and there is the hamburger head with a hat and little hamburger legs...
wv: extuti
My daughter was all dressed for her dance class, but now that she has changed, she is extuti.
Seriously?? Can none of you see it??? It is so OBviously a beer stein wearing a cooler shaped like a German Beer Wench's lederhosen corset!
What else could it be???
wv - "inaph" as in "inaph already with the wrecks! Find me a REAL decorator!"
Can't believe you are making fun of people who have so many partners they don't know who the father of their child is! So insensitive! I'm never reading Cake Wrecks again... until tomorrow. ;)
wv: sille "I Love to start my day with a little sille, so I always visit Cake Wrecks first thing!"
*waves hand wildly* OOOHHOOOH!!! Pick me! I know! It's the exploding mug of hot chocolate, for sure!
ball cap, golf bag, easy chair, and a saw, a ruler and several other things i don't recognize
And so, after reading all the comments it is sad to report that I must be the only dirty minded creature out here! In picture number four I see a tool, but it is not meant for cutting wood per se. It sorta looks like some poor man who has... I'll let the rest of you take over that one! Hahahaha oh, and check out the proper use of the ellipsis in my comment!
Dang, I must have missed Mary b's comment!!! Glad to know I am not the only dirty minded in the bunch!
WOW! I now understand why you hate CCCs.
First one is a very lumpy baseball cap.
2nd one is a very poorly drawn golf bag.
3rd one I had no idea until I saw your multiple choices, but one of my thoughts was a hamburger sundae.
4th isn't bad for trying to make tools out of cupcakes, but looks like something out of a toddler doodle.
I have no idea what the first one is. But, I've figured out what the second one is! It is definitely an art deco locomotive being attacked by a giant skunk! Now, what that has to do with Father's Day is beyond me. But it is a striking work of art, is it not?
The third one is obviously Dad's head, with a mustache stylized to look like two hamburgers, marshmallows caught in his strange beard, and a chocolate bow in his sparse hair.
The last one might be a toolkit. Or it might be a bone, a ruler, a stylized phallus, and a pair of gunmetal-blue doughnuts. Not sure which is more horrifying.
wv: fored, adj, what you call someone who just got hit by dad's stray golfball
I asked my kids to play cake pictionary with me. I didn't show them your multiple choice; I only showed them the pictures and let them guess.
1. flower
2. cup of coffee
3. a man
4. dog toys
Then my son asked me, are these REALLY made by professional bakeries? I have never bought them a bakery cake. We make and decorate our own cakes at home.
1. A recliner
2. A golf bag
3. Testicle pie?
The second one = brown corset with Dad exploding out of it. No wonder they've fallen out of style.
and the third one = dude with some 'rolls' sitting on a too-small toilet. Now that's appetizing!
Happy Father's Day!?
The last one is most definitely an Inuksuk. An Inuit landmark. Why someone would give it to a dad is beyond me, maybe they are from the north? lol
OMG you people are hilarious. Loving these comments--creative stuff!
meanwhile, if that's a grill, the white thingis the propane tank. I don't know why it's wearing a hat/has a chimney
WARNING: this post may upset sensitive viewers and may or may not be pornographic)
These are clearly the previously unpublished collection of victims of Jeffry Dahmer's CCC murder rampage.
A. Decapitated Smurf torso CCC (aged 5)
B. Innocent skunk murderd by drowning in cleverly disguised beer mug leather gimp suit (age 9)
C. Road kill armadillo (murder weapon: rollerskates. Age unknown)
D. Collection of murdered Smurf 'body parts'...er, nuts, toolsetc'. Complete with tool measuring equipment. (Aged 5-19)
Come now, number two is obviously a skunk in a saddlebag, celebrating the manly outdoorsy-ness that makes a father a MAN.
That last one....phallus with a measuring tape underneat that.
(you see what I did there?)
wv: ishaedal. Foghorn Leghorn is about to make a pronouncement:
I shaed, I shaed, I shaed...al these cakey things....I shaed they were good if you don't look at'em.
#1 D: None of the above. Manager: "I'm about to run out of these 'special' stickers -- when I do, you will have run out of time to learn how to decorate."
#2 Having read the 'Horta' comment, I can't not see that. In a golf bag.
"A Horta! Mister Spock, we need that retardation mechanism." By the looks of things, I'd say that could be found in a number of bakeries. BTW, the first letter looks like a 'J'.
#3 A really bad (and damaged) armchair, propped up with a computer case. "There, that'll fix it!" Even as a loyal reader of CW, I cannot see a grill.
#4 Counter-clockwise, from upper left: A saw, a ruler, a globe (what toolbox isn't complete with one of those?), a 'wrench' (he said, invoking the unwilling suspension of disbelief) and two circular things.
I just assumed Sendingtheclowns' use of "blantant" meant it was their wv word. In which case, I was thinking, good usage! Now the illusion is shattered!
I can't give any insight into most of those, but one is very much full of phallic references. Makes me wonder about the state of mind of the baker.
I guess I have been reading Regretsy too long, because all I saw in the last one was an unfortunate array of sex toys.
#1 is a Blue Smurf Sumo Wrestler. Totally. I don't know how you didn't see that.
I get it! Reading upside down, the Easter grass is really a plaque, complete with sprinkled frame, proclaiming "Happy Father's Day."
Oh dear! I too first saw #1 as a tombstone in the clouds. #2 was a stein of radioactive beer. #3 was an armchair leaking poo - sorry, no amount of squinting and twisting my head sideways will make that be a grill. Nope! #4 is ...well, to be honest, I first saw an array of phalluses (phalli?) with a ruler. But, sure, we can call them a "tool kit" if you insist.
I love the fact that people assume everything posted here are custom orders. My local grocery stores' bakeries can crank out some wrecky stuff on their very own, with no customer input. There are some optimistic wreckerators out there who do nothing but dream of the joy their attempts at whatever will bring, for the mere price of $3.99. Alas, I must confess I have helped them persist in this delusion, as I have relieved them of a few wrecks to photograph for submission here, after which I put them out of their misery.
I thought the first one might have been Skull the troll from PVP...
I went from steaming coffee to corset on the second, but I like 'dying horta' much better.
Sometimes I can squint and look at the cake, then the options, and go, yeah, I can see that. Kinda. I really really can't on the third one. It's not a grill. I thought maybe armchair on stilts.
But now I'm just going to have to go with 'Jabba the Hutt in a coconut bra on his pedestal'. The thing on the right could totally be Salacious B Crumb's seating area, or the snack holder.
You're welcome.
WV: thlem. I think these cakes are made of thlem. Which is totally like made of win, but not.
Pretty sure the second one is an accordion in a wig.
Am I really the only one who sees Fat Albert in the third picture, or am I just the only one who will admit it?
Hey hey HEY!!! Have a haaaaapy Father's Day!!!
Okay, I see the plaque in #4. As for the ellipsis in #2, that can also mean 'message continues', which gives one pause to wonder what the rest of the message might be. Maybe a spoken "just kidding." Followed by concerned looks and helpful instructions, such as, "sit down here and have a corset-covered mug of Horta. That should revive you."
But hey, it's the thought that counts, right? (Note to self: just keep thinking, 'I want to be a dad -- it will be worth it.')
sofa chair
tool-saw, ruler,spanner nut/bolts
O_o can't...comprehend
wrench, saw, ruler, bolts? Those are my guesses for the last cake.
I asked my 5-year-old because I had no idea. According to him, they are:
1. a dress
2. part of a guitar with waves coming out
3. a girl person
4. a ruler, mallet, dog bone, Earth and donuts
Sure, why not??
1) It's a NoneoftheAbove!
2) A face corset with streak & spike failure hair.
3)Love child of wheelchair and pink beanbag chair. Hi Dad!
4) Tools for dyslexic dads (see ruler).
wv: imbless these not mine
Rev W
#4 is cow tools.
1. Baseball cap.
2. golf bag
3. chair and remote control
4. ruler, wrench, bolts, hammer, and what I'm guessing is a tape measure
That is clearly a skunk hiding in the golf bag...duh!
Definitely exploding hot chocolate.
That last one looks like a ruler, an attempt at a hammer, a cake and while I am dumbfounded by the object on the right, my daughter sees a wrench and some bolts.
Oh my, that blue one looks like a bone with an anus. 0_o
I could kind of see all(after you somewhat mentioned them) except for the second to last. What IS that? Was that seriously supposed to be a grill? I would love to hear the explanation from the decorator. I say decorator and NOT baker because who ever did this could NEVER figure out how to make a cupcake.
Oh my.. I prefer the exploding hot cocoa to that last one..it looks like a variety of dirty things I shall not name lol. So that exploding hot cocoa one is decent compared to the others. Poor poor dad.
7 separate blue cupcakes are probably worth $3.99. Does jamming them together lessen their value?
It's sad that we've learned to recognize that as a grill by identifying the cupcake with the spot on it as a wheel.
A hammer, wrench, ruler, and don't know what the thing is in the corner!
1) a rear view of Blue from Blue's Clues
2) a badger trying to put on a corset
3) Iron Man's ancestor, Regency Furniture Man
4) a tragic dismembermental accident involving some of the Mister Men
there's something to be said for celebrating Father's Day with, perhaps, lasagna...
Is #3 Santa in an electric chair?? No, wait, can't be. I must need more coffee (up too late celebrating the Bruins). Sleep-deprivation + cake wrecks = one surreal start to a day.
I believe the last one is supposed to be tools?? I see an almost ruler ( so my first thought was school supplies) but then I realized that there may be a hammer in there, and perhaps a tape measure. You really have to apply some abstract thinking here!!....??? ( I LOVE puncuation)