Wreck's This? The Musical

If you enjoyed Wednesday's "What's This?" post, then have I got a treat for you!
Then push 'play.'
This work of genius is by Joel Bradshaw, a talented Wreckie with mad video editing skilz and even madder taste in blogs. Thanks for making my week, Joel! When our bid for Wrecky World Dominion is complete, you'll be first on the list for promotion to head henchperson. ;)
Reader Comments (159)
Someone should bake this man a cake.
Thanks for helping me waste my Saturday, guys.
FANTASTIC!!! I loved that he put in big letters "SIGH" because I can totally see John rolling his eyes and sighing when the phone rang.
Love the choice of song - show more cakes next time!
I may have just watched that several times through... Excellent work. You set a standard for wrecky henchpersons everywhere to aspire to.
This is amazing.. hahahha I watched it a few times!!!! I really didn't catch the dog thing the first time it was posted lol.
Epic. Just epic. <3
Hahahaha FREAKING AMAZING! I think I have a new ringtone for my iphone now.
That was awesome!!! I loved it!!! i HOPE THAT YOU KNOW THAT i NOW HAVE THAT SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD. Oh yea, and BTW, how do I send in a picture of a birthday cake? I made my own birthday cake because my birthday was Wednesday, and I thought that it would be great on here, considering that it was hand made, and hand painted by me.
Standing ovation while wiping away the tears of laughter!!!!!
i didn't think it could get any funnier than the video the other day, but this was even better... Love you all - you make me laugh out loud, giggle, smile and generally forget that the world can be a kinda rotten place - CakeWrecks takes me away from that for a bit and reminds me that there is still fun to be had (work has kinda been a not so fun place to be lately).
And i think CakeWrecks the musical sounds great - go for it!
BA HA HA HA HA HA HA. I love that he transcribed the phone convo too.
WV: hemotif. Hemotif left that part out, but he didn't!
This was amazing! I've been checking out the blog on the reg [cool person lingo for 'regular] and this is the first time I've felt a pull to the "comment" button. I loved it!! Love the song, and I really love that Wicked is being sung in the beginning... it made my heart so happy! Yay you guys!!
This is the most awesome thing ever. I, too, had a child checking on me to see if I was okay.
This is my new favorite video ever! It's beyond awesome! We need to make this thing go viral :D
This was about the funniest things I've seen in days.
this is just the best thing I've seen in so long!
:)~ Nikki
@ Anonymous (at 2:41) - we did our part and posted it on our blog (along with the book, which made it work-related). Of course, we only get, like, 18 visitors a day, but it's a start!
WV: relyspit - I relyspit my coffee all over the place! What! Is! This!
Good lord, that was frickin HILARIOUS!!
I so want that as a ringtone! BTW, one question. Since the dog obviously isn't, I have to know, are the pants ok?
I. Love. Everything. About. This.
Hilarious!! I love the phone call in the middle. Perfect.
My 2.5 year old was even roaring with delight. She thought it was fantastic.
Seriously, though, the best part was the phone interlude.
I think Joel is my new favorite person in the world! After the three of you, of course. JCubed- World Domination through wreck-tastic parodies!
Totally awesome! Am passing it along to everyone I know!
WV: Resabla
ok so I am delurking for the first time EVER because if I don't the universe will implode. This was perhaps the best part of my week, maybe month. well done John, Jen and the other Jen, and of course Joel!
Definitely the BEST thing EVER!
Thank you SO much for making my day!!:):)
Brilliant. That is all.
that is hilarious.
"that was TOTALLY WICKED!"
Um, guys who have commented about feeling bad about the dog... pretty sure that was a joke. Dark sense of humor, but a joke. I highly doubt the conversation even had anything to do with a dog.
I love this video, and I love the other Jen's sense of humor.
THAT was absolutely amazing!!! :D :D :D OK, yes, you absolutely must explain the story about the dog. How in the world do you get from "That's crazy! That's great! Her dog died."
i can't get it to work. :( but i'm sure its awesome.
Joel deserves an Oscar! Fantastic!!!
That was genius.
The other Jen: 'No...No...it's ok...tell her I said hi...ok, ok, bye'...Her dog died.
Me: ::blink:: ::blink:: Contorted face.
Back to song.
AWESOME!!! Thank you for sharing! I only THOUGHT I laughed a lot on Wednesday.
Jen and John, y'all are gonna make me go into premature labor. LOL!!!!
I demand an mp3 of this so I can listen to the hilarity on my soundtrack t-shirt!
You truly have the best henchpersons ever! The original video was a hoot, but this takes it above and beyond.
Dude,it's awesome...I think it could be a monster hit on youtube!
Ha!!! Perfectly insane.
XD XD perfect video for this site
My 4 year old is saying "again, again, again!" Yeah, pretty funny! It was a slight improvement from the original.. I guess I am a low techno phile!
Hysterical! I love that the segue into the phone conversation didn't get edited out. Killer!
Oh oh, Cake Wrecks AND Nightmare Before Christmas in one? Happygasmness.
My word verifier says coraing. I feel like this is a word that would appear on a cake wreck. Accepted.
That's awesome. Invoice you for torn cargos.... ROFL
Very funny!