Sunday Sweets: Threadcakes!

As you may recall, hosts an annual contest called Threadcakes where bakers replicate one of Threadless' shirt designs in cake form. Threadless shirts are super fun, and the participating decorators are always amazingly creative. The contest just wrapped this week, and since Jen is one of the judges again this year, I thought I'd share some of *my* favorite submissions.
(I'll post a photo of the shirt design first, followed by the cake entry.)
I'm in love with this design titled "Alice's Sewing Basket:"
And here's Melissa's phenomenal matching cake:
Here's one called "Firelight Cottage."And Jennifer's cake:
This shirt is too cool: "Doc Franklin's Miracle Tonic"
But Neli's cake is even better:

You can see closer detail shots at the link. So cool.
Vina did an awesome job of bringing the design to life:
"Strange Birds" is one of my favourite designs on Threadless. Look at these colours!
Cora's cake based on the design is just as fun.:

And the rainbow pools are chocolate ganache mud cakes? Yeah. I'm so there.
But Georgia's cake really blew me away:

This sweet design is called "A Vehicle Built for Dreams." It reminds me of books I read as a kid:
Sarah's cake is so beautifully painted...
"Sugar Land" is the perfect design to turn into a cake:

It took her a whole week to make! Well worth it, Megan.
Reader Comments (57)
I am blown away by the incredible artistry and talent!
Holey schmoley, these people are Fan-Cakin'- Tastic!!
Stunning - absolutely stunning! I can't pick a favourite, I... I just can't. They're all too amazing!
You've out-done yourself, #1!
The Firelight Cottage cake is phenomonal! I have a soft spot for robots destroying small, peaceful villages ;)
(Something I never thought I'd say in here)
That eyeball cake is exquisite.
That last one is amazing. Every single line is replicated perfectly! :o
they're all super, don't get me wrong, but... Woah.
There is no way you can pick a winner. Holy cow.
These are amazing! And gorgeous!
They're all really amazing, but the Long Journey one I think is my favorite. It's so bluuuuue.
Incredible talent. Every one of those cakes is amazing. What a tough job to be a judge of that competition!
I'm dumbstruck! Are there any more like these you can post? Works of art!
Yeah baby! I'm on Cakewrecks Sunday Sweets! Doesn't get any better than that!!
Amazing. I would feel terrible eating anyone of these. The Nightmare Before Christmas / Tim Burton looking one is my favorite.
These are beautiful! My favorite is the one making fun of Thomas Kinkade!
My son walked up while I was looking at these, & he said he wants a cake like the Firelight Cottage one for his upcoming 4th birthday. I wonder if I can even come close...
OH...EM...GEE!!! How AMAZING are those cakes??? Love them all! I seriously can't pick one & I'm floored at the level of talent. Totally amazing!
SERIOUSLY AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd like to say I always have the right word for the occasion, but words fail me when I see these entries! No superlative does them justice!
*wipes drool from her desk as she pushes her chin to close her mouth*
wv: tules - If you have four pears and I take a pair, you have tules.
I am just so amazed at the talent! Such execution and style with nothing flubbed or imbalanced - three cheers for this collection of talent!peemoris
OMG such skill-they could have been painters
Those cakes are incredible.
amazing. fantastic. mind-blowing. (i don't know if there are enough superlatives!)
love 'sugarland' in particular -- my husband has this t-shirt (one of my faves) and the cake version is just as sweet!
Very nice post, Pam.
WOW!!!! Those were some of the best Sunday Sweets we've seen in a long time. Fantastic job by all of the artists! Thanks for sharing with us CW!
Long Journey is my favorite, followed by Sugar Land. All are works of art!
These are my favourites too, especially seeing as though "A Vehicle Built for Dreams" is mine.:) Thanks so much for the kind words!
I'm super excited to see who wins this year, there are so many amazing designs to choose from!
Holy CRAP! This stuff is amazing!!!
Such a lovely irony to have "Sugarland" reproduced in sweet, sugary cake!
These are possibly my most favoritest Sunday Sweets! These people are so amazingly talented.
Quote: "Strange Birds" is one of my favourite designs on Threadless. Look at these colours!
Has Number 1 crossed The Pond?
Great works of art, though. Thanks for sharing them.
wv: ovencess - the official royal designation of an oven princess
Sunday Sweets posts continually make me realize why I don't do this for hire... and then you show up with one of these! WOW. Beyond WOW.
I feel very insignificant now.
Just amazing!
They're all excellent and absolutely phenomenal works of art! But I have to say...any cake showing a robot trashing a cutesy-wootsy *retch* Thomas Kinkaid cottage is a HUGE winner in my book!!
WV: comyc. As in, "Firelight Cottage" has impeccable comyc timing.
They're all fantastic, but my favourite is "The Long Journey". That's super-amazingly-wonderful!
wow! that's great work!
There are no words to describe how amazing those were! I have a question though, and this is entirely my ignorance of the whole cake decorating world. The last cake (which is beautiful!) has a notation that it took a week to make. How do they keep the cake from going stale? I mean, if a cake like that is made for an event, it's a week old when it gets there. How do they keep the cake fresh?
I have only two things to say to this set. Artistic flare! The skill in the making of those cakes is rather clever. I can't understand how some people go so badly when there is full on skill out there. Especially with some of the more difficult cakes where detail is specific. Go the artists.
Amazing ! must how taken a long time to make
They are all great, but I especially loved Sugar Land!
Gorgeous. That one cake with the robot reminded me of a Thomas Kincade painting. Without the robot of course lol. Gorgeous just takes my breath away. I wish I had even a tiny amount of the talent these decorators have.
I'm honored to be featured on Sunday Sweets thank you!
Also, thanks to everyone for their lovely comments :)
Totally awesome cakes!! WOW!!
Liz in Norway
I am just amazed at how much more vivid some of these cake translations are than the original design. Fantastic!
So many different levels of impressed!
Wow. Absolutely incredible. The diver helmet cake is...just...whoa. And 'Birdsong' is...guh. The creators of the shirts are so inventive, and those who reproduce the designs in cake are just over the top!
I hate to criticize a nice cake, but... does anyone else notice the robot appears to have a lit flatus coming from his backside?
"Long Journey" and "Birdsong" just take my breath away. Simply stunning works of art.
I think my favorite is the Doc Franklin cake. Blew me away! :D
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