The next time you see "fresh flowers" on a cake, look more closely. They might actually be gumpaste.
I love the yellow and purple flowers on this one. I'm not very good with all the names, but I think they're daisies. And the photography is stunning, too.
These aren't on a cake yet, but I thought Abbie's work on that top flower was especially fantastic. (Pretty sure it's a daisy.) Check out the blending of the pale green!
Next, we have the work of Ellen Bartlett:
You know you're dealing with skilled artisans when you have to email them to make sure the flowers aren't real.
(I did. They aren't.)Our next cakes were made by Lyndsey Gamble:

I love the big bunches of flowers. Daisies.

Not only are the flowers fantastic, but check out the lace and ribbon work! (Yes, those are sugar, too.)

I love the contrast between the orange and the purple.

Just look at the veining in the petals! Wow. Those are some
sweet daisies.

Such a cool design: the minimalism of the cake makes the flower burst really "pop."
As a guy who's spent the last three years staring at some the of the best and worst cakes in the world, I often wish that I could go back to our wedding day and get a more memorable cake. Of course, knowing Jen, we'd then have to choose between a beautiful cake like this - only covered in poppies - or a perfect scale model of a Borg cube inscribed with "Resistance is futile."
Speaking of which, we're looking for more Sci-Fi Sweets! So if you have one to nominate, be sure to send it to sundaysweets (at) Thanks, and wreck on!
Reader Comments (186)
You guys are ALL wrong. Those "daisies" are obviously EPCOT. Geez.
Loved the post!
Those are incredible! My jaw literally dropped. I want to hire one of those bakers to make my wedding cake. :)
Aren't those orchids, not daisies? Whatever they are they're beautiful.
*gigglefit* Oh, Gina & Kilian, you're killing me! XD
They're obviously not daisies; they're mini epcots!
The flower that no one has identified... the small white ones with yellow centers are Stephanotis.
Daiseys, eh? Didn't see a one.
All I saw were azaleas. Lots and lots of lovely azaleas.
*high five* to Baby for the CakeWrecks humor aptitude evaluation guidelines! Brilliant!
And I think someone needs to make Jen an EPCOT cake with a daisy chain garland draped over it. Just sayin'.
Wow! Thank you so much John-and Jen!- to honoring me with a mention on my favorite blog ever! And also to all of you who have commented on my cakes, thank you! I LOVE my job and what I get to do every day...who doesn't like working with daisies?!
I don't understand all the people with no sense of humour that are reading a humour blog. That said, the funniest comment I saw was Anonymous Aug. 1@ 9:45 . . . those aren't daisies, they're cherry blossoms! *sigh* if you have no sense of humour, and you don't know what an orchid is, you should probably be elsewhere :)
Love the daisies, John!
Wow! Beautiful work! See I learned something today, because when I was growing up my Grandpa called all these flowers carnations...Now I know that they are really DAISIES! Thanks Cake Wrecks!!:)
I see that some people don't get the daisy joke, but I don't think that necessarily correlates with those who posted the names of the flowers. (Especially as some of the lists have smiles or lol's.) I think it's awesome to add those details, and I think it adds to the humor.
Oh, and to JW who wasn't getting what the joke is: it isn't a reference, it's just John blithely referring to a bunch of obviously different flowers, one at a time, as though they're all the same kind (or as though he can't tell they're not).
Excellent cakes.
- Jen S
maybe someone mentioned this, but those aren't all daisies...the first couple are lilies, and one is an orchid... :)
nevermind...i get it... just smack me now!
John - Lovin' all the daisies!
Now I want to get married again so I can have one of these. Do you think my husband will mind?
Haha it never ceases to amaze me that on such a painfully obvious humoristic site as this is, there are always so many who fail to get jokes XD
Anyway, beeeeautiful cakes! I would never have guessed they weren't real. If I'd tried to do that, they'd just look like lumps. Actually, I think I'd be a very talented wreckerator, come to think of it.
WOW, that is some mean talent with daisies. I'm so envious, especially of the orchid daisy.
Never have I laughed harder at a single blog post in my life. Ever. I was in tears!
These are my favorite Sunday Sweets ever. I don't think I'd believe that the purple daisies in the 7th and 8th photos were fake, if not for the wrapped florists' wire stem. The veining is RIDICULOUS. Sheesh. The closer I zoom, the more incredulous I get.
Can we give some sort of prize to Krystina? I want to HUG her for posting her "nevermind."
170 many are correcting "daisies"? How many didn't read a single comment before submitting, therefor not getting the joke? Come on people!!
The "daisies" joke is funny, except she named the flowers incorrectly in her book too. Oh well!
Wait... What? Where? Are you talking about the Cake Wrecks book?
I'm so confused...
I have seen wedding cakes done well with such hand-made flowers, but these are the best! BTW, I didn't see daisies on any of the cakes. I see ranunculus, chrysanthemums, roses, stephanotis, and lilies, but no daisies! Am I missing something?
LOL @ daisies! Spectacular artwork... I'd almost not be able to cut those to eat.... ALMOST ;)
Oh John (hubby of Jen), methinks you were deliberately trying to provoke a "Daisycot". You funny, funny white boy, you.
Kathy D
First I have to say, I break the cardinal rule of bloggers by reading you nearly daily and never commenting....but I HAVE to say something here.
I love reading this when I'm delirious at 5am in the morning as my night shift is winding makes it THAT MUCH MORE hiliarious...
ESPECIALLY when no matter how blatent your humor is..there's always a Daisy out there that has to go ahead and correct you.....which makes reading the comments an addition to my joy!
Gorgeous!! I love to see what people can craft with their hands... :)
I cannot believe you would insult the beautiful and sophisticated orchid by calling it a lowly "daisy." I am offended on behalf of orchids worldwide. It is time for all orchids to rise up and boycott Cake Wrecks. We will defeat you.
Speaking of your wedding cake...I find myself wondering about it sometimes. Will we ever get to see a picture?? ;-)
im pretty sure the "daisies" are actually orchids :)
Gotta love those daisies.
Beautiful. I love the stephanotis on the second cake.
And such delightful daisies everywhere!
Um, all the cakes were very beautiful...but the flowers you were saying were daisies...are acutally orchids, I do believe. I owned one that looked just like the purple ones...they're deffinatly orchids. Not to um, burst your bubble or nothin', I'm just sayin'.
Um, all the cakes were very beautiful...but the flowers you were saying were daisies...are acutally orchids, I do believe. I owned one that looked just like the purple ones...they're deffinatly orchids. Not to um, burst your bubble or nothin', I'm just sayin'.
JBFEGBFLV&$%#@?$& !!!!!! You broke my Floraculture little heart :'( Shame.