The next time you see "fresh flowers" on a cake, look more closely. They might actually be gumpaste.
I love the yellow and purple flowers on this one. I'm not very good with all the names, but I think they're daisies. And the photography is stunning, too.
These aren't on a cake yet, but I thought Abbie's work on that top flower was especially fantastic. (Pretty sure it's a daisy.) Check out the blending of the pale green!
Next, we have the work of Ellen Bartlett:
You know you're dealing with skilled artisans when you have to email them to make sure the flowers aren't real.
(I did. They aren't.)Our next cakes were made by Lyndsey Gamble:

I love the big bunches of flowers. Daisies.

Not only are the flowers fantastic, but check out the lace and ribbon work! (Yes, those are sugar, too.)

I love the contrast between the orange and the purple.

Just look at the veining in the petals! Wow. Those are some
sweet daisies.

Such a cool design: the minimalism of the cake makes the flower burst really "pop."
As a guy who's spent the last three years staring at some the of the best and worst cakes in the world, I often wish that I could go back to our wedding day and get a more memorable cake. Of course, knowing Jen, we'd then have to choose between a beautiful cake like this - only covered in poppies - or a perfect scale model of a Borg cube inscribed with "Resistance is futile."
Speaking of which, we're looking for more Sci-Fi Sweets! So if you have one to nominate, be sure to send it to sundaysweets (at) Thanks, and wreck on!
Reader Comments (186)
Are you related to my Dad? We had two kinds of plants in the garden.
Rose Bushes and Weeds. That was why Dad tended to the Rose Bushes and Mom dealt with the rest of the garden.
Actually, none of those are daisies. There are roses, orchids, carnations, and more, but no daisies.
P.S.(My Dad works for the U.S.D.A., and knows a lot about plants.)
Wow - you are really "Pushing Daisies" with this post. Yeah, sorry that's all I got.
I have to admit that it took me awhile to catch on to the daisy thing. I was looking at the flowers and thinking, "I know very few flowers but I know daisies and I don't see any....ohhhhh, I see what he did there!" Yeah, I'm special.
Oh wow! These are beautiful!
Nice cakes.
But I don't understand the joke about the daisies. What is it? Normally I can just google these things (like that: 'The cake is a lie' joke) but now I'm coming up empty.
Someone explain the joke. I wanna laugh too! :'(
Those peony-like daisies look like they could almost be silk. Hard to believe anyone could get such thin petals out of ... gumpaste, is it? without tearing them upon assembly.
The top one is a common daisy; scientific name Bellis perennis Epcoticus.
To combine your love of sci-fi and daises, don't forget about the song HAL sings:
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do,
I'm half crazy all for the love of you.
It won't be a stylish marriage -
I can't afford a carriage,
But you'd look sweet upon the seat
Of a bicycle built for two.
Wow, those are the best daisies EVER! Great post.
Every time I think people are used to the way things work around here, I'm once again surprised at how many can't resist the urge to be know-it-alls and ruin perfectly good fun.
Personally, I like the one with the daisies.
Gosh, John, I do not understand what your problem is. Those are clearly NOT daisies. Any idiot knows that if you look closely, you can tell that it's the Space Globe from Epcot Center!
Some people.
I love all those colorful daisies. And I am totally with a few of the other commenters--throw some daisies on a Borg cube. Surely the Borg can figure out how to assimilate.
Daisys! So pretty!
And seriously those are some freakishly talented cake decoraters there. I can't imagine drawing, painting, sculpting anything that looks that life like, let alone a flower which can often be one of the most naturally delicate creations. Mad props to them!!!
Btw are you sure those are all Lilies 'cause that's what my father calls them.
Hehe, nice "daisies". *patpat* ah, men! We love you!
WV: mitiongo -- This mition is go!
EPCOT Flower and Garden Festival...
Love me some daisies!
Bama Jen
Those are NOT Daisies!! There are lillies and orchids in most of the pictures!~
You don't have to choose! The Borg cube sounds like an awesome groom's cake. :)
For some reason, I just felt compelled to post here. Not sure why.
Those are some amazing cakes, by the way.
Those are stunning. Lily daisies, orchid daisies, ranunculus daisies, poppy daisies stephanotis daisies...who knew there were so many subspecies?
Daisies are now my favorite flower!!!
lol @ the "daisies"; these are indeed beautiful works of art!! I had real flowers on my wedding cake, and didn't mind that all since it was cut in the kitchen; but it would've been lovely to serve some of these!
I would've said: lilies, orchids, cabbage roses, cherry blossoms, roses, etc.
Did you know daisies are actually a variety of chrysanthemums (mums)??
So, John and Jen, what DID your wedding cake look like? Have you ever posted pictures of it here?
Great cakes! Man, there are A LOT of people that can't take a joke!
I think that most of them feature a daisies of the genus Epcotus Yatesiana
They're all absolutely gorgeous - I wish my sugarpaste flowers came out looking even a tenth as good!!
wv: unfortunately I'm a dabless hand at making sugarpaste flowers!
Phalaenopsis daisies are my favorite kind! :-)
in reference to terrrs-uh works in a greenhouse said...
the idk flowers look like ranunculus and perhaps anemones (which looks similar to poppies.) the purple flowers on the orange cake are phalaenopsis orchids.
:) Irina.
Sometimes I hate being a biology major. I know it's a joke, but I still cringe each time. ;-)
Those non-daisies really are lovely, though!
Suddenly I have an overwhelming urge to go to Epcot. To see the giant golf ball. Which may or may not have daisies growing nearby.
Bama Jen - "Epcot Garden and Flower Festival" - ROTFLMAO!!!
Holy Stamens Batman!
Daisy Daisy,
Give me your answer do!
I'm half crazy,
All for the love of you!
It won't be a stylish marriage,
I can't afford a carriage,
But you'll look sweet on the seat
Of a bicycle built for two !
This post just got that song stuck in my head...
Poor HAL. :(
Those are really amazing! (Though I don't think I saw any daisies! Lillies and orchids but no daisies.)
AHH! REALISTIC CAKES! SCARY! I'm with you. I can't tell a geranium from a voodoo lily. (Yes there is such a thing as a voodoo lily, it looks very evil.) I personally think it would be funny if the flowers sprayed water. (Yeah, I know. old joke)
Holy moly those look so real
Perfectly timed. Just right for my son's 37th birthday today. Thanks for the fun.
I really, really, really (etc.) love how John referred to every flower as a "daisy." Sounds like me in my mom's garden: "Pretty . . . uh . . . flowery-like thingy these, Mom."
Isn't that what the groom's cakes are for, to get the really cool unusual things made to personalize a wedding for the guys? The borg cake would be awesome for that. I've seen some really neat grooms cakes before.
I love the look but you have to be careful not to get gaudy. The cake is the main interest. Maybe some frosting decor on the cake to flow in with the flowers.
Michael Rasmussen
Um, those aren't daisies.
Hah, just kidding, this post was hilarious. I found that whole theme way too funny. Thanks.
LOL, you remind me of my husband who always sent his mother daisies because he was sure it was her favorite, flower. His mom said it was because daisy is the only name he can remember
Those ARE NOT daisies! They're EPCOT!
Those aren't all daisies.... 2 of the cakes were actually different types of Orchids, and I saw a lot of roses and mums.
I'm seriously laughing at those who didn't get the "daisy" joke...I mean come on...this blog is known for its humor...riiiiiight? ;)
Oh and I see Edna DeLaCruz's post on all the actual names (amazing that she can name them ALL). But not surprising since she is one very talented cake artist who makes unbelievably realistic flowers herself.
Such beautiful amazing cakes in this post...
I love the suggestion of the daisies on the borg cube! So wrecktastic! When we figure out time travel, that should be your first plan of action!
Well Jen, at least you know John's not gay.
Aren't Daisies just the best flower you can ever have!! Actually, since I married into being Daisy Flowers, our wedding cake was covered with daisies!
wow. What an image. A borg cube in stuck all over with "poppy daisies".
"Resistance Is Futile; I'll get you my pretty..."
Oh, wait, wedding cake. Should that be 'my Precious'? (multi-verse collapses)
The third cake is actually two types of orchids, not just one... The pinkish flowers are the phalaenopsis orchid and the white ones are the cymbidium orchid... Just in case anyone was interested :)
Ya know, you actually had me peering at the cake looking for the daisies and F5ing just in case my browser forgot to load a picture of a cake with actual daisies. Only for a minute, though--then I got the joke. You win. :-D
And I LOVED the dogwood daisies--my favorite flower, and so hard to come by about 49 weeks out of the year!!
So, what *was* your wedding cake like?