Keep It Stupid, Stupid

When April W.'s mom ordered a Father's Day cake last year, the clerk seemed to think that a name should go on the cake as well. Since there was more than one Dad in the house, though, April's mom insisted that the cake only say Happy Father's Day.
Or maybe her exact words were "Father's Day Only" - it's kind of hard to say...
I realize this is going to seem nit-picky, but I really want to know why the "t" is the only letter not capitalized. Seriously. Does that strike anyone else as odd?
There are perils in the world of random capitalization, though:

Ok, obviously these inscriptions are just too long and complicated. So let's cut out all the extraneous stuff and get right to the heart of the matter:
Justin F., Kristina B., Mike H., & Erin H., Wreckporters!
- Related Wreckage: Dial-A-Wreck
Reader Comments (68)
#1 is Dad.
#2 is mommy's new boyfriend?
I concur that the white glare on the last cake looks startlingly similiar to something dirty yet completely natural that helps create children, thus also Dads. Ahem.
well, if my dad was a big blue oval with pointy hair, then that would be perfect.
delurking to LOL that the shine on the last cake looks like a streak of sperm. gross, i know. i just took a biology final :)
thanks for the daily laugh!! this blog rocks. u really lighten up this student's day... and if i really want to avoid studying, i go through the archives. multiple times. and still giggle maniacally at the photos and at your writing. keep it up! <3
Okay, I understand that cake decorators don't work in an office with a dress code, but seriously, do they not know what a tie looks like? If there's any confusion, you could always head over to the mens secton of a department store. Heck, even Wal-Mart has ties (in the month of June, there is a rack of them up by the cash registers in my local store. In PLAIN VIEW of the bakery counter)
Of course, there is always the possibility that these decorators are on the cutting edge of men's fashion. Perhaps these odd ties will be the big thing in 2010.
At first, I thought the first cake said "Fat Her's Day" which of course was not right. Then I thought it was a restriction.
The second cake for the one pound dad had me rolling around, crying, I was laughing so hard.
Not that roar out loud kind of laughter, but the gut deep, unable to take a full breath, no talking kind.
It is just me, or is that last one cross-eyed? x)
A father is you!
LOL!! the last one should be on a t-shirt!
On the 4th picture, is it paté on the top ?
I'm french and I would like to know what is this curious recipe ?
I bought a Father's Day cake at Weis yesterday, and I was actively looking for wrecks, but all were spelled correctly with no weird stuff on them, and no CCC's. Mine says #1 Dad, with some flotsam tools on it.
Now, you should have seen the Father's Day cake my local Wal-Mart made. It was a deer head peeking out of some purple crosshatch thing. If I had my camera on me, I would have taken a pic.
Oh, and the third cake is pretty cute, but I seriously hope that's not the baker's representation of his/her dad!
Reminds me of the clerk who took the order for an anniversary cake for my sister and brother-in-law. My brother, when placing the order, asked for it to say "Happy Anniversary, ______ and ______" (names omitted to protect the embarrassed). The clerk asked about decorations on the cake. My brother said "Anything for a wedding".
When he went to pick up the cake, it was inscribed "Happy Anniversary, _____ and ______ Anything for a wedding
My DD wants to know why the last cake has Heart monitor lines for hair?!?!?!
Perhaps dad might have a corinary when he sees the cake?
The "L" is lowercase, not "T"
@PointlessPedant bwahaha. people like you make me laugh. It's not so much a lesson on "The Aversive Power of Cognitive Dissonance" as it is a lesson in "Looking Pretty Dumb Because You Weren't Actually Paying Attention To What You Were Seeing and Reading Because You Were Too Quick Trying To Be Superior To Everyone Else."
You (and the other people who made the same comment), in essence, became a living representations of this whole site. haha
And I agree with anonymous! That's the FIRST thing I thought of wen I saw that cake! I think it's a sperm inside an egg!!
What if I was born on Father's Day? Someone out there is denying me my birthday every so many years with their "FAtHER's DAY ONLY" cake.
I love the Charlie Brown circlet the blue-faced, cross-eyed "Dad!" is wearing. I think it's just the right touch to show people that this is a sensitive, butch, insane, dad, possibly suffering from a medical skin condition.
Wonderful! :D
Worid's other dads are going to be so disappointed that they're not the best.