Sunday Sweets Assignment

Ok, my trusted Wreckporters, your assignment this week is: Fantasy.
I'm talking trolls, fairies, dragons, kraken, anthropomorphized plant life, and yes, even unicorns (I'm drawing the line at tutus, though). As with all Sunday Sweets, these cakes do NOT have to be professionally made. You can search bakery websites, public image hosting sites like Flickr, or use Google image search. You can also submit your own cakes. Send them to me at Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com, and be sure to include the image source so I can credit the baker.
Happy hunting!
Have a suggestion for a Sunday Sweet Assignment? Leave me a note in the comments!
NOTE: Please don't leave image links in the comments, guys: e-mail them to me instead. Thanks!
Reader Comments (17)
How about "Realism"? Cakes that portray something so real that they could be mistaken for the item they are depicting?
BTW- thanks for all the laughs. I love this site and check it nearly every day.
Love live Cakewrecks!
Oh god oh god oh god.
Can someone make me a Gryphon cake? Puh-leeeease?!
You should do a sweets topic on ones that are meant to be funny or silly~might be a hard topic though... Ah well~
~Chelsea Lynn
How about cakes that either suppose to look like any kind of technology or icing that is suppose to look like something.
How about pirates and all things relative? Or even broader - under the sea.
How about an "Under the Sea" category? Pretty self-explanatory.
This is an adorable dragon cake. (Sorry, can't do email at the moment and didn't want to lose this link!)
And what, pray tell, is wrong with tutus?!?!?!?!
What about New Years cakes? It's appropriate...though it might be a little late by the time you get to it.
Some of the better cakes I've seen in a while...
Check out the "luxury cakes" (and the rest of the cakes).
I think you need to do train wrecks! There must be lots of examples of Thomas the Tank gone awry.
I'd love to see cakes shaped like animals :) Might be a cute idea for sometime
I have a picture of a cake that needs to be on the site. Email me and I will send it over to you. I found it on a website for cakes and it is WRONG...just WRONG. Dragon ala poop....
Cake Wrecks Lady please answer a question. Or you can ask the people for me...What in the heck do you do with the fondant on a cake? Do you eat it? Do you peel it off and put it on the side of the plate like a piece of skin? The couple of times I've had fondant it tasted like sugar clay and I wonder if I'm just wierd that way. Please let me know! Your help would be so so so appreciated! Thanks, ~j
I love mamadance's idea. I hope you do a Realism Sunday Sweet sometime soon. I also hope you take my suggestion, which is: Cakes Shaped Like Other Foods. This could also include cakes with an other-food theme. Here is a really good example:
Seconding that, Sassy
National Left Handed Day is coming up on August 13th. I've never seen a cake to represent it, so that'd be pretty cool. (It is a real day, and has been for eighteen years.)