
Believe it or not, this cake is supposed to look like this:
That deer is staring straight into my soul, and it's totally creeping me out. The smoke column on the side is kind of odd, too, although I like the idea of using sprinkles for ash.
And what could be better than a cake with a demonic deer staring out from the fiery depths? How about one that was sold in California when all the wild fires were raging? Yep. Niiice.
Or, to Wreck it up further, you could always have a dial-a-wreck inscription on it:
That's supposed to say, "Happy Birthday you old bastard". So obviously the wonky heart was the decorator's idea. "Let's see, demonic deer, unintelligible greeting, still needs something...."
Oh, wait, that smoke column was supposed to be a tree? Huh. Well, I guess if all the leaves were burned off...
Jenna Z. and Rya M., these cakes are smokin'.
Reader Comments (162)
The first cake... disturbs me on many levels. Not only is the deer on fire, but the deer is also SMIRKING, like a demon rising from hell-fire...
*shudder* no amount of ash-sprinkles could make that cake acceptable
and the second cake... it looks to me like it says "your old pastard"
Which leads me to believe that the heart is sarcastic.
do these cakes make anyone else think of that scene from the lion king, where the savanna is on fire??
Anyone notice how on the first one it is shaped oddly like "F U" ??? interesting...
I have a site that's named perfect for this cake. is my site - Flaming Deer Designs is the name. Google automatically sends me anything with Flaming Deer in the name which is how I was directed here. Nice site, humorous. =)
I think it's actually supposed to be a deer and a tree in a field of wheat or grass.
Wait, look. It actually says Your Old Pastard. Maybe it was from your old Pastor. Maybe he was trying to tell you something. It is a cake with an important message from God. "your going to rot in hell with a crazed deer on your birthday." or "Satan is a deer, beware" Either way Happy Birthday!
I saw the first cake on “Bridezillas.” It was for a rehearsal dinner in a country themed wedding. Naturally, my first thought was “Is that deer on fire?”
Wow yummy.. I enjoy reading this, and I almost hungry for now...
Looks delicious! Just found your blog through Google, and I have to say I thoroughly enjoy it.
Thanks for a nice and informative site. Somehow I was drawn to reading the post and I enjoyed a lot. Have a nice day!
i was lucky enough to spy this wreck today at walmart. i was dragging my husband across the store, "come here! you gotta see the flaming deer!" the version i saw had some lovely black mixed in with the flames.. i'm tempted to go back with my camera, but i'm guessing you've seen more since then!
-missy in mississippi
Haha I read it as postcard too!
"I hate you! You're such a postcard!"
Okay, I just came across this picture and I couldn't stop laughing. I ordered a hunting theme cake to be done in blues, greens and browns for my stepsons, and what I received was what has been dubbed "The Flaming Death Deer Head" and the "Bambi Inferno" cake. I was laughing so hard at the bakery that the manager came over to ask the problem, and between gasps I explained as best as I could what I had ordered. I even showed her the picture of the cake in the book that I had chosen as well as the order ticket that stated the color scheme. I ended up getting the cake for 1/2 price.