Creations That Might Possibly Be Representations of Turkeys

But the jury's still out.
You know, Amanda S., I always wondered what Davy Jones would look like as a turkey. I'd say this has got to be spot on.
Kara S., please tell me this is a baby shower cake. (Orange pacifier? Woolly bonnet? It could work.)
Ashley J. has obviously found the "angry tree demigod" species of turkey. Forget Smokey the Bear: now HERE is a mascot that will make you put those campfires out.
And Melissa G. found Right, you got me. What the heck is this?
Ah, the traditional "Snake in a Flamenco Dress" turkey - of course. But where are the castanets, Erin L.?
And lastly:
Sure, ok, he looks like a turtle whose shell is on fire - no problem. The thing I can't get past are those weird Aztec-looking symbols written on the left "pumpkin's" head. After a few moments squinting at them, I suddenly realized they are supposed to be words. Check it out; it's like one of those magic eye puzzles.
And don't look now, Lynz B., but I think those Twizzlers are supposed to be feet. Won't you join me in weeping for the future of cake art?
Reader Comments (157)
Wow, those are great!!
What the heck was that last one supposed to be. The first one was trying to be a peacock, I think.
This is a Turkey cake!
That snake in a flamenco dress! I couldn't stop laughing. And since when does a turkey have a peacock tail, even if they are both gallinaceous (chicken-like) species?
Shannon Givens
I can't get over how the writing on top of the little pumpkin head in the last picture says " eat more beef".It took me a minute to see it also. When I finally read it I thought to myself " WHY"?
eat more beef! Someone's treading on the edges of copyright infringement *laugh* and as for the "angry tree demigod" am i the only one who has been staring at the fireman cake for too long? (Or maybe its just that i've been going through this site since about 5pm and its about 9pm now?) with the way the sprinkles are layed out it reminds me of a leg-less vegas show girl!
"EAT MORE BEER", that's what I see. ha good times xxx