A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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Reader Comments (143)
Maybe the cake was for Yoda. :)
LMAO, I'd be disappointed with that measly old cake after 60 miles of anything. Make me laugh you did.
did yoda order this cake? it sounds like he talks.
When did Yoda start doing cake decorating?!
poor raspberry, it is.
Yoda cakes are fun, even in pink.
Is the decorater from the Degoba system?
Unless it was Yoda talking.. then cake this good would be...
AND let me tell you.. if 60 miles you did.. dissappointed are you!!
This is such a pathetic cake it almost makes me want to cry...
Make more sense it would, if Master Yoda on the cake, he was.
A cake for Yoda this is!
Did Yoda make this cake?
It looks like it might be pretty yummy though.
giggled I did. funny that cake is. good one!
For Jar Jar Binks this cake was made thinks I.
Tammy R.
Used the force, this wreckerator should have.
Yoda says, "Cake, eat it I will"
The economy is so bad that Yoda has begun an apprenticeship as a cake decorator.
The line, "Do or do not. There is no try," comes to mind. And? "That is why you fail."
By the way, it says "congraDulations" (I suppose. This baker should take the alineation classes from older posts).
A lonely nipple perhaps??
Sad that cake looks.
Hmmm. I wonder if this was supposed to be a "boob" cake?
as an English major and editor, one of my biggest pet peeves is when people spell it "congradulations" and not with the correct "t." UGH!
Laughing I am.
oh now that is the best one I've seen in a long time. that lonely little berry in the middle just cracks me up!
I'm glad you mentioned that was a raspberry (raspberry?) I thought it was a prune. Gave a whole different mind visual of 60 miles.
WV-crablesq: artificial crabmeat
;^) Jan the Gryphon
Amateur this one must be
"Well, yes I was watching Star Wars while decorating this. How did you know?"
It sounds like Yoda is getting into cake decoration. Decorating I am, yes
:) Leah
If Yoda ordered this cake, then I can understand...
From the Yoda/Dr. Suess bakery it is, yes.
wv..gramest..is when your gramma is the best she's the gramest gramma there is.
60 miles? Breast cancer walk, maybe? Would give that lone raspberry some meaning, anyway... ;)
Love it!!! Your commentary always makes me laugh.
Did Yoda commission this cake?
Sickened also am I. For what she did 60 miles wonders I?
Okay this is making my head hurt, it's like translating Spanish!
You must get rid of the flying ad!
Did this person walk the Breast Cancer 3-Day? 60 miles in 3 days to raise money for the CURE?? I do the 3-Day each year in memory of my Mom and am wondering if that's what this cake is for. If so, after sleeping in a pink tent for two days and peeing in a porta-potty every 3 miles, this cake would bring a few laughs! p.s. Love your site! And so do all my friends!
I have to wonder if this was a cake made for someone who completed the 3-Day breast cancer walk... that might explain the lonely little raspberry, and add a whole other level of wreckiness to it... :-)
Did Yoda make this!?
Channeling Yoda maybe they were. Poor sad cake it is.
That's a very sad cake...
maybe it was for yoda? :)
talk like yoda, this is.
Wow, bad grammar combined with bad spelling...what a terrible combo!
I actually like how this is worded. It's an ugly cake, though.
So Yoda did 60 miles of what?
Monique D.
60th Birthday Happy to you!
http://gifoftheday.blogspot.com/" REL="nofollow">Daily Gif Blog
Like Yoda, we speak.
Maybe it's because I'm allergic to it, but that raspberry looks extremely threatening for some reason. It's like he doesn't care that he's the only one on that cake... he's not afraid to be seen, upside down, without any friends. Personally, I think that raspberry might be trying to take over the world.
and I think Yoda might be kinda mad that we are ripping off his language... just sayin
Sounds like Yoda was the wreckerator here.