Can You Make a Freudian Slip in Icing?

Because I think someone just dii-iid! [sing-song voice]
In addition to the surprisingly obscene well-wishing, this cake also suffers from a lack of grammar skills (it's a run-on sentence, and yet the "M" is capitalized - and why two periods?) and a hideous color scheme. I think those things in the corners are supposed to be rosebuds, so why are they grayish purple with blue squiggles? Some repressed feelings of inadequacy, perhaps? Hmm?
Reader Comments (22)
This cake was almost pretty until I read what it said. I'm in the mood for cake now.
Honestly, I'd rather have someone wishing me a good f**k, than good luck.
When I saw that cake, and even before I read your commentary, I laughed till I cried. Literally, tears running down my cheeks.
This reminds me of a cake a group of us presented to a police sergeant back in my college days. A campus group was baking and delivering heart-shaped cakes as a fundraiser on Valentines Day, so we commissioned one for Sgt. Bob. it read,
He thought it was the nicest gesture, and took it home to show his wife.
She was the one that spotted what the initials spelled.
And... isn't that... "We kill Miss you"?? Noooooo!
If you read it diagnoally, it does read "Sasha f*cu you." I wonder if the additional words were just a guise to thow off the actual sentiment? It would also explain the ugly color scheme.
I love how the offensive word is in such lovely handwriting.
The squiggely things at the top look like Pepto Bismol Carrots.
If you look closely, it also really says "we uill miss you" and not "we will miss you".
isn't it supposed to be "BEST OF LUCK" ?
I like that the 'f' in the word 'of' and the 'l' in the word 'luck' are written almost identically.
Okay, true story. I found something like this in a Chinese fortune cookie. The fortune was supposed to read "You will have all the good luck that a friend will bring you." However, the quote was printed against an image of a fortune cookie, and one of the folds in the cookie happened to cross the 'l' in "luck"...
I was eating Chinese food with a bunch of missionary people at the time. Needless to say, I did not read the fortune aloud (but my hubbie kept it for a very long time :-) )
Friends were dining out at a local ethnic restaurant. They had taken a friend out for her birthday and told her "Have anything you want".
When the bill arrived, it appeared that either whoever had programmed the computer cash couldn't spell or she had ordered "cock" with her meal....
Oh f*ck...
"Cock" is Engrish for "Coke" (as in Coca-Cola).
Can't we make this cake into a t-shirt? Pleeeeaaase .... pretty please ...
I think they learned punctuation from Charles Schulz. Seriously, in later years at least, every declarative sentence in "Peanuts" ended with two periods.
This has given me the best laugh today! :-)))
And intelligence goes OUT THE WINDOW!
I don't believe in freudian slips so this person must've been either intentionally wrecking, trying (and failing) to cover up the true sentiment, or just had terrible handwriting ;P
Little did they know
Sasha's fellow made this cake.
Tonight, Sasha. Tonight!
Ladies and gentlemen, THIS is why they still need to have cursive in elementary education... to prevent furture cake decorators from writing "luck" as, um, uh, @#$%.