
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Sunday Sweets (560)


Sweet Reading Sweets

Today's Sweets are in honor of National Children's Book Week. They're also for all of us out there who like to complain when a movie ruins the book. ;)

Harry Potter:

Submitted by Dara W., made by Karen's Specialty Cakes

Lord of the Rings: (not exactly a kid's book, but who among us didn't read it in school?)

Sub'd by Julie G., and also made by Karen's Specialty Cakes

Not sure if this next one is supposed to be a specific title, but there are several Tinkerbell/Pixie Hollow books out now, in addition to the classic Peter Pan:

Made by Annie at Annie's Art Book.

That's hand-painted! And the rope bookmark is darling.

You know we have to have at least one Dr. Seuss title here:

I am so impressed by those circle stripes. They're not fondant; they're a combination of royal and run-in icing. Cool, huh?

Here's a test: can you name this classic book icon?

Sub'd by Sarah E., baker unknown

Did you guess?

It's The Giving Tree! Love it.

Another classic:

Sub'd by Tiffany H., made by The Whole Cake and Caboodle

And check out these sweet Where the Wild Things Are cupcakes:

Sub'd by Cebelamour, made by Claire Issa

The Spiderwick Chronicles:

Sub'd by Trista C., made by Lisa's Cakes

And finally, the book that became one of my favorite movies as a kid:

Sub'd by Heidi E., made by Say it with Cake

Bonus trivia: Did you know The Neverending Story was originally written in German? It wasn't translated into English until 1983, and the movie was then released in '84. As a kid I didn't realize there even was a book - I discovered and read it sometime in my twenties. (The movie follows the original story almost exactly - a nice surprise!)


Sunday Sweets: Happy Mother's Day!

Hi guys, Number 1 here!

I have fond memories of baking with my mother when I was growing up. Mom would make the most delicious homemade red velvet cake with the BEST butter cream icing every year for my birthday. (I still ask for it now, and I'll be 30 this year.) My mother is a Cake Wrecks reader. She forwards my (and Jen's) posts to her friends, and she is so super proud. So in honor of my remarkable mom - and the rest of you moms out there - I've scoured the web for cakes that remind me of her.

For the piles of stinky clothes you sorted and washed...


By Debbie Brown in her book 50 Easy Party Cakes




For the countless mittens knitted for my tiny hands...


By Pink Cake Box



(I know this is a birthday cake, but it's too cool and mom-ish to pass up. And I love the details! Fondant cat-eye glasses, sugar knitting needles, and rice-krispy treat yarn balls!!)

For all the torn hems you mended and homemade dresses...


By Zhanna Zubova


For the million messes I made that you cleaned up...



(Those suckers are adorable!)


For all the loads of dishes...


(This cake is from a page in Jane Asher's Calendar of Cooking from 1995. It wouldn't be my choice to remind mom of the constant mess in the kitchen, but it's too hilarious not to include. "Happy Mother's Day, Mom! Say, the kitchen's pretty messy - would you mind?")



And finally, for your beauty and elegance...


For all this and so much more, I just have to say thanks, Mom. I love you!


And for the rest of you moms out there: Happy Mother's Day! Here's hoping it's the sweetest one yet.

From John: Today's cakes are about Jen Dorsman's mom. And yup, they're a bit "Traditional." But that's who her mom is. If I had written this post, the cakes I would choose to represent my own mom would involve baseball and learning to fix things and becoming a gentleman. Because my mom had to be my dad as well. Just for today, let's look at the pretty cakes and
remember that it's all about Moms and the many and varied roles they have played in our lives.