
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Father's Day Wrap-Up

Ok, last Dad's Day post, I promise. (But keep in mind that crossing my fingers behind my back nullifies any and all aforementioned promises.)

Yesterday fathers across the globe were given heartfelt messages from their children.
Messages like, "Aren't you glad you put me through college?"

(And if ever there was an icing color that should be banned, "radioactive vomit green" should be it.)

And, "Penmanship isn't everything."

(I saw "Doty" for a solid 30 seconds before realizing that's a wonky capital "A".)

Or, "Are you getting enough fiber?"


Then there are the less complimentary messages, though I'm sure they were just as heartfelt. Really.

Like, "You dress like a clown. And not even a funny one."

Or, "I can't even bring myself to call you 'Dad'."

I think this one is "Squint your eyes and it could almost be golf-related, Grandpa."

(Get it? "Grandpa?" 'Cuz it says "Father's Dad"?
Ah, you're no fun at all.)

I guess a lot of people were hoping for "happy father dads":

And finally there's the classic backhanded compliment: "You're #1...

" beating orange bunnies with a baseball bat.*"

Vanessa B., Shylah E., Jujyfruit, Amanda L., Mary F., Lauren C., & Bekka T., I hear that's the most sportsmanlike way to go.

* Yes, I know it's supposed to be a fish. So don't go pulling a "Spaceship Earth" on me, hear?


Sunday Sweets: Happy Father's Day

(Sunday Sweets is my weekly NON-Wreck feature, to remind you how wrecky the Wrecks really are.)

I like the trend of making Father's Day cakes that look likes shirts and ties; it turns the cliche into something so much sweeter. Check these out:

(Found by Brenda Jo on Cakebox)

Ok, so the sweater is a wee bit shiny, but you've got to admire the skill all that piping required. Plus, it's mostly fondant free!

For the more formal, pinstripe-wearing Dad, Jen C. found this one over at Jill's Sugar Collection:

See how those stripes pool into little dots at the bottom edge without breaking? That's talent. Kudos, Jill.

Laudine F. found this beautifully detailed number on De Leukste Taarten:

I'm not sure who the baker is exactly, though, since my Dutch is pretty rusty. (And by "rusty" I mean "non-existent".)

(UPDATE: Apparently y'all have non-rusty Dutch and the name of the baker is Lieselotte. Bedankt!)

And check out what Bakerella whipped up for Dad:

So. Cute.

Those are mini cupcakes (with brownie centers) for the burgers, and sliced sugar cookies for the fries. Even better, Bakerella provides the templates to make the baskets & french fry holder for free on her site. (I'm sure you could modify that text for birthdays or other holidays.)

Oh, and a Happy Falker Satherhood to you all!