Sunday Sweets: Dreaming of Dragon*Con

As you know, John and I were at the ultimate geek gathering, Dragon*Con, last weekend.
[wistful sigh]
Ah, how I miss my people.
Fortunately, I have this week's awesome Sweets line-up to help heal the hurt.
Beware the Cthulhu, a monstrous creature of gargantuan size which evokes terror in all it encounters!!

Made by Rebecca H, another hobby baker, and based on the artwork "Cthulu's Day Out" by Ursulav.
You score 10 geek points if you can correctly identify this next cake:
Here's a close up of the top:
Yep, these are my people, I tell ya.
So, imagine my glee when I saw this:

Awww yeeeeah.

[Update: I'm told this is "Saber from Fate Stay Night." Here's hoping that means something to somebody out there. :)]
And finally, a fitting homage to Dragon*Con:
Detail shot:
And that's it! Thanks very much to all of you lovely readers who found us and said hello last weekend; it was a blast meeting you! I can't wait to do it all over again next year.
Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.
Reader Comments (144)
There is not enough squee for that post, especially as I just made a Pratchett reference on WoW and got chirping crickets. Seriously. NO ONE said ANYTHING. Anyway, I also adore all of Ursula's stuff, so seeing Happy Cthulhu made me giggle as well. :D
I squealed when I saw the Discworld cake. I have almost all of his books, they can be impossible to find used here in the States.
Jeebers Crisp! Details! That is way awesome. Especially th turtle that carries the world. I love mythology and these mythological cakes are excelent. The old Actari system is way cool too!
I've been helping you out there, I donated the entire Discworld collection (to that point) to Goodwill to free up some space on my bookshelves a few years ago, and have been regretting it ever since. Yes, I'm in the process of re-buying books that I've already spent money on, never mind read.
The Great a'Tuin floored me, as did Chthulu. Today's post put me in geek paradise.
Wow I love all of these cakes but that dragon has me going WANT WANT WANT so much hubby had to take a look lol. I normally just sit and stare in awe but that cake just has me drooling in glee. Beautiful!
I did a Discworld cake eons ago for my hubby. It was one of my first cakes, actually. I've always agreed that Jane's is better than mine by far, but I did record my construction process and have had a tutorial posted for ages, in case any of the commenters desperate for one want to make their own:
For the commenter who wants something like Discworld to read: Try Tom Holt, he has a similar irreverant sense of humour.
I love the Discworld cake - I sent it in as its the same person who did my wedding cake.
First of all, LOVE the Great A'Tuin cake! (If it were mine, I'd want little Rincewind and Two Flower figures tumbling over the edge... or caught in the Rim Net)
Secondly, the only video games we ever owned as children were Atari!
Thirdly... this is possibly my favourite Sunday Sweets post. Ever. (Though, Jon's Harry Potter ones are pretty fabulous, too.)
That is one amazing Great A'Tuin, and the way the water cascades over Tubul, Jerakeen, Berilia and Great T'Phon is fab! (do I get bonus points for naming them all?)
Goodness, that Discworld Cake is better than any figurine of Great A'tuin I've ever seen! Its pure madness, who would eat a masterpiece like that? I'd cry if I saw someone cutting into it. I'm a huge discworld fan, Pratchett is a god with pen & paper (*pun intended*), I especially enjoyed his last works with Tiffany Aching and the Nac Mc Feegles :D I just finished "I shall wear Midnight" yesterday. Thank you very much for showing me this cake. I shall drool over it for all eternity.
I agree with what She said... and do we get a bonus roll for being able to name ALL the cake-y references??
For once, I can stand proud in my geekishness, because I'm in good company :-)
Wow! We were at Dragon*Con too! I got lots of pictures. I do think that Gingerbread Man was following me and my hubs around throughout the entire convention. It was a little strange! :)
I LOVE the Atari cake! *want*
My eldest asked to go to school as the Great A'tuin for World book day when he was 6. So I knew who the turtle was immediately! Spent ages on the costume which we thought looked great... but none of the children (or parents) understood who he was and kept asking him if he was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. He was not impressed!
Loving the geeky sweets!
The Discworld cake is made of so much win, I could explode.
Wow, thanks for the photos! The Discworld Cake was excellent!
And yes, I miss the DragonCon atmosphere as well - everyone was so darn polite down there!
I was at DragonCon too!!! Had a wonderful time! The best place to get your geek on! :D :D
And as always, the Sunday sweets are FABULOUS!
I'm impressed they did a chibi Saber well enough that i had to resist the urge to squee when i saw it. (and i say that as a guy of course)
Terry Pratchett, FTW!!! Possibly the yummiest version I could imagine of Discworld.
...I need a discworld cake. OMG.
DISCWORLD. I wish I could have that cake for my wedding. I don't think i'd get much argument either. xD
@The Nolans, if you're looking for a similar kind of humour, try books by Jasper Fforde. It's not as much high fantasy, but I highly recommend his writing.
I identified the discworld instantly. I even have the word "pictsie" as my license plate. No one has ever asked me if it was related. Anyway, I am glad I am not alone in the multiverse.
I was just barely intorduced to steampunk via last week. I was searching for a locket for my birthday, and found some awesome steampunk lockets, and cuff links. you should check it out if you haven't already:)
Terry Pratchett Terry Pratchett rah rah rah!!! P.S. to Shieldmaiden96- I'm a UU and we had a sermon based on Small Gods once-it was a beautiful thing :).
I can not tell you how much I now regret my perfectly adorable wedding cake, (which had turtles on it!), now that I have seen the A'Tuin cake from Discworld. You have ruined a perfectly good cake memory.
De-lurking to say "Yay for the Discworld cake!" I'm also thrilled to see so many Pratchett readers here -- my husband and I are in the process of re-reading the entire collection, and don't know anyone else who reads them (we have tried to get some of our friends turned on to the Discworld series, but no luck so far...)
The cake is exquisite, and I'd love to get one for my husband's next birthday.
Yay! A Discworld cake! And they even got the sun going over it. Fabulous. :o)
Ahhhh, Discworld!!! Awesome. And yes, I'm old enough to remember the Atari. Also, the steampunk thing makes me laugh uncontrollably especially since I'm also obsessed with the ongoing Regretsy "things that are not steampunk"....
That Discworld cake (and yes, I guessed instantly) is the best thing I've ever seen. Made of cake and sugar, I mean.
There is an amazing Steam Punk cake that was done for this wedding if you have not seen it yet.
The Turtle Moves!
Ah! Discworld!!! I <3 those books. And that cake is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing that awesomeness, it really made my day!
Very cute, thanks for the photo shot.
I'm actually friends with Mur from the Cthulhu cake! How cool!!!
I can't thank you enough for posting the Discworld cake... It's my wedding cake!
Jane is my mother, and I happened to be at her house reading your blog when I saw the pictures! I screamed, 'My wedding cake is on Cake Wrecks!' and she got the wrong idea and thought you hated it! I had to set her straight! Thanks again! X
(Yes, I hated having to cut it, but it was delicious!)
Discworld wedding cake?! Incredible!! And that dragon is mindblowing!!! So much awesomeness *mind explodes*
Hahahaha XD
It is great to see so many Disc World fans...I'm glad to see I'm not the only one ...I have to say that cake is incredible!!! The attention to detail is phenominal and spot on. What a very lucky bride :)
Maybe someone should email a pic of it to Terry Pratchett? I think he would appreciate it...not many authors can boast that their books get turned into wedding cakes :)
It is quite obvious. The girl in the second-to-last picture is me in chibi form.
Do I get 2x nerd points for being only fourteen and identifying the Terry Pratchett cake?
Yay you'll be at Dragon*Con this year! Do you have a dealer's table? Where do you usually hang out?
Amazing smaug!
I love the geekness!
My daughter forwarded me this post and I can't tell you how tickled I was to see Ursula's Cthulhu's Day Out featured on a cake! I know this post is 8 years old but I'm going to forward it to her anyway. It'll make her day if she hasn't already seen it by this time. :)