Sunday Sweets: Let's Talk Turkey

Debbie of Debbie Does Cakes was kind enough to share some Turkey love with us today. Check it out:
I love this guy. Not only is he gorgeously made, he's a comic gem. I mean, those bug-eyes are just crying out for a thought bubble, don't you think? So Debbie, for next time, here are some options for ya:
1) "Uh, guys? I was told this was more of a stag party..."
2) "Whoah, let's all just relax now, and how's about you put that knife down, eh?"
3) [on seeing the *other* turkey] "Mom?"
Ok, guys, your thoughts?
Reader Comments (81)
Cute Homer Simpson turkey cake. Giblet bag? Doh!
wvotd..tumplet: the drumming noise one makes on an overly full belly..."His wing tips drummed his stuffed belly making a rapid series of tumplets"
"Anything but the meat thermometer!"
"*Gurgle* Anyone have Ex-Lax?"
*stares at ax-wielding human* "Mommy..."
Debbie is AMAZING! i love her work. i hope she gets on food network challenge again...
"Man, I'm stuffed..."
This is so cool!! I love it!!
Personally I thought it looked a little wreck-y, but I think that's more the fault of turkeys themselves looking weird :P
Oh thank god a normal turkey! I thought I was going to be vegetarian this Thanksgiving. lol
"Oh my goodness! I'm on Cake Wrecks!"
nice blog
Is this my new "forever home"?
word verf: indera - dats my new turkey indera on da table
He looks scorched to me. I'd like him better if the airbrushing didn't look overdone.
Maybe he came out of the oven thinking, "I need some Visine!"
"You told me that was a sauna!"
When I said I liked stuffing, I meant to eat!"
Cute, but he still looks like a bloated deer tick!
The Sky is falling!!! (those eyes are seeing the sky coming at him fast!)
"An orange girly bow-tie?? I told you I wanted a windsor knot!"
No YOU bend over and I'll tell you where to put that stuffing....
actually, the other bird is probably Dad...
This belongs on Suicide Food more than on Cake Wrecks...
This one is borderline wrecky to me. The general black-and-brown bloatedness of it all is REALLY unappetizing. :/
I totally mis-read that very first comment the first time. Let's just say, when I read it, "sitting" had an extra letter in it. I was like "of course it looks like he's 'sitting' - he's got poo underneath him!"
Then I re-read the comment. Oh, SITTING... lol
He looks burnt! Cute, but cooked. The airbrushing is a bit dark, otherwise, it is amazing.
I'm sorry--I LOVE LOVE LOVE this blog, but those jokes really aren't very funny.
Turkeys are some of the sweetest animals I've ever met. They sit on your lap and they love to chirp and be pet under their wings. They follow you around like dogs and respond to their names.
Frankly, I wouldn't wish the abuse they receive in farms on anybody.
wow, what a cute turkey!! to be honest reminds me of that game cold turkey!
theres a link of an image i see a few similarities!!
Nice! I love how cartoony it is!
...Can't think of any lines for him that aren't completely lame though!
"I knew a turkey costume was a BAD idea!!!"
That cake is fantastic! Love it.
Step away from the gravy and nobody gets hurt, I may look puny but I'll fight!
white meat. dark meat. all will be carved.
Capsizing in 3...2...1...
I'm not really a turkey, I'm a undercover duck!!!
Great looking great, amazing details. Love the popping crazt eyed look! lol xx