Watch a Cake Being Wrecked

Lots of you are sending this in, so I figured I'd share. A few caveats first, though:
1) No, it's not professionally made.
2) Yes, I'm bending the rules by including it here on Wrecks.
A) Like the CCC, this "technique" must be stopped for the greater good.
B) It's really funny.
C) Mario Lopez in an apron! Hellooo, eye candy!
$500?!? Really? I think Wreckporter Gemma L. said it best: "If you'll fall for that then I know a Nigerian Prince who wants to talk to you."
Reader Comments (398)
Oh Sandra, Sandra, Sandra.... *shakes head*.
Although, I do think kids (girls mostly) would have fun doing that. But I wouldn't start with a $40 cake....
Sandra Lee is sort of technically a professional, since she does get paid to show people how to make hideous, ridiculous cakes on her TV show.
Have you seen her infamous Kwanzaa cake? Now there's a wreck!
I am so disappointed. After reading the title for today's post I thought we were going to witness the actual wrecking a.k.a. smashing/destroying/demolishing of a cake. Wait, I got it...can we witness the destruction of the cake you featured? That would be fun! And literally wrecktastic!!
And the fourth reason it had to be shared - it's Sandra Lee! The Queen of Cake Wreck Hell.
priceless in deed.. :)
It's Sandra Lee... need we say anymore? Very fitting that she's on a site dedicated to "wrecks." Hahaha!
Love = not bothering to cook, icing, spend money, or spend time.
I do not want your love, sister.
I'm not watching that video again, but did she say she's made this cake for weddings?
Doesn't she know the grocery store stocks ready made flowers and other fun already made icing decorations that would look way better then those cookies?
The cupcakes....I'm still speechless on that one.
that woman is in love with mario "you are a messy little boy, arent you? you are a dirty little boy, yeah! and you need to be punished!"
that cake looks mentally ill...
Priceless?! Of course, because no one would buy it!
Wow. It's hard for me to believe they actually aired that. But then again Mario Lopez was nice and distracting (but still not enough for that monster!)
That TOTALLY looks like a $500 cake now!..........
Bwahahahahah! Even I can't say it with a straight face.
That is butt ugly! Are they serious, they HAVE to know that's tacky, right?!
Oh, goodie. Now that there is a video, I can submit it to Brietbart TV !! Whoo-who ! Thanks, Joyce from Texas
Semi-Homemade (or "Semi-Ho") is one of those trainwreck shows you watch peeking out between your fingers, and feeling faintly dirty afterwards.
So I'm not at all surprised at this cake - it's perfect for the show. I think the basic concept works... but then she kept going. It's like her "tablescapes" - why stop at some nice plates and glasses when you can add flowers AND candles AND glass beads AND fruit AND ribbons AND....
A lot of her stuff also involves far more work and money than making it from scratch would.
Oh, what do you expect from Sandra Lee? Everything she does is f'ing ridiculous.
I can't stand Sandra Lee as it is....and ewww. Just plain ewwww. Even with Mario in an apron, still ewwwww.
"Not that I'm in love with this cake, but $40?? I'm pretty sure I could get all the supplies and do it for $20."
...I agree. I sense a name-that-tune-esque challenge coming up -- I'd like to see fellow wreckporters re-create this disaster, and who can do it the cheapest? "I can wreck that cake in $20..." "I can wreck that cake in $15...." etc. "Wreck that cake!"
Someone posted this on another site recently, and I was appalled I've always hated Sandra Lee, and now I have even more reason to do so. Hell, I"M more deserving a show on Food Network than she is.
Did anyone else see that Christmas special Sandra Lee did a while back where she did the dipsomaniac's Christmas tree entirely decorated in barware with the giant martini glass full of Tidy-Bowl blue cocktail?
I think she's been drinking the tree topper again.
So I'll agree w/ the priceless part. Who'd want to have a cake that is so bad as to be "priceless"?!
I amazed she actually did that bit with a straight face. She must be on some serious antidepressants to think anyone would be "lucky" to have that cake. Mario - give this to your girlfriend and mark my words, she won't be for very long.
I'm hoping he and his lady got "busy" in the kitchen and didn't bother to move the cake.
Funny thing is, it uses some of the ideas of the Strawberry Shortcake cake in yesterday's Sunday Sweets entry... and yet, the Strawberry cake is about 1000 times cuter. Perhaps it comes from knowing that less is more?
For a kids' party, I could see letting the birthday girl or boy do something similar... but just one cake, no extraneous cupcakes, and a small number of cookies (and perhaps sprinkles) that actually look like they belong together, y'know? That could be cute. This is not cute.
To be fair, at the end of the video she said that this particular cake would be 90 dollars in the grocery store, not 500. The 500 dollars was just to point out that you could spend that much on a cake... even if it wasn't really relevant to the cake she was "making."
Although 90 dollars would still be outrageous for this cake - I wouldn't compare it to saving money like she's doing.. it would be better to only emphasize it as being fun for kids.
I CAN'T STAND Sandra Lee. Homemade is usually much cheaper, and easier, and more nutricious! Seriously, how much is a cake mix. 88 cents? Really. Somebody stop her!
Hurrrrrl. If someone gave me that cake, I'd either cry, or smash it violently, depending on my mood. Possibly both, actually.
That was hideous! $500 where. I'm moving there and dh can be the stay at home parent. wow!
I don't think we paid $500 for our wedding cake. So no. I wouldn't pay $500 for that cake. Or any other cake that didn't have to feed 500 guests.
But for something HOMEMADE? That is fun for the kids to make and YEA... it's made with love?
It's fine.
It isn't something that is being sold to others. It's something you do for your kid's birthday party or something. You have to have a bunch of cake and you get two plain cakes and ELIMINATE the possibility of a wreck and it's more than just the frosting flowers and "Happy Birthday" type cake.
My family would love it. My teens would enjoy the making.
And I'll just have a cookie, thanks.
Who in their right mind would pay $40 for that cake, let alone $400?
Did she say she does this for wedding cakes??? If you're going to spend the money to buy all that crap to decorate your own cake...STOP and let a professional do the cake for you.
Sandra Lee is a wreck in and of itself...most of the stuff she comes up with is out of control and in your words "wrecktastic"!!
Enough has been said about the wrecktastic looks of this monstrosity. Can we please move on to the taste? Those cookies are nasty and inedible and as hard as a goat's knee...if you served that cake at a kid's birthday party, they'd be flinging those cookies like Chinese stars. You could put an eye out with those things.
Can I just point out that by the time you pay for a sheet cake, a round cake, sprinkles, cupcakes, and professionally decorated could buy a NICELY decorated bakery cake for the same price if not less. She's so clueless...she should stick with making cocktails. And quit drinking them before trying to come up with cake decorating ideas...
YES!! Add more to the anti-SL team! One of the best of her wrecks is her "Kwanzaa Celebration Cake." I would say it epitomizes all that Ms. Lee is. I was "lucky" enough to catch that episode - I had a visceral reaction of disbelief. I can't seem to find it on the FN site now...(wonder why) but here's another who can give you a pretty good account of the disaster:
and as previously posted, semi-homemade shouldn't be 90% store-bought and 100% slopped together.
All I can say after watching that is Oh. My. God. (!!)
I think the idea was good, the execution - not so much. A cake like that, the rectangle and round only, with fresh flowers on it might be nice. Maybe a figurine on top or something. I think that's the best you could get out of it, though. Anyone wanna prove me wrong? lol
I don't hate it, its what I have planned for my sons 8th birthday. Granted, I figured he and his friends would decorate it, and it would likely look like that.
The worst part for me was that the first cupcake on the left (my left their right) never got a flower cookie. It bugged me the whole time and I barely had time to be disturbed by the sprinkles because I kept waiting for the last flower cookie!
I love Sandra Lee...but that is the worst cake ever. A great idea if you're going to let your kids decorate it (something for the guests to do at the party maybe?) But never would I make that cake and take credit for it...
I already disliked Sandra Lee - She always finds time to make an elaborate cocktail and 'tablescape', but then throws together meals similar to this cake - Ok, take a rotisserie chicken, cut it up, put it on a pre-made salad. That's an ok meal, but that -isn't- cooking. Sheesh.
I always knew Sandra Lee was the anti-christ...
That was just wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
Talk about a tacky cake!
What the crap?
She made a $10 cake look like a candy factory war, and it made my teeth hurt! How sad for the birthday girl!
Wow! I may have nightmares.
I... I just...
There are no words for how awful that is.
I haven't been able to stand Sandra Lee ever since I saw her claim that putting frozen berries inside a pre-made pie crust with a cookie cutter "lattice top" (not strips of dough, packaged crust that she stamped with a plastic thing) was in any way "homemade".
I may have an unhealthy loathing for packaged pie crust.
But this "beautiful" cake? No.
This is the FIRST time I've felt sorry for the CAKE !!!!!!!!!
Never knew who she was until today, never heard of her and probably will never watch her so I can't say I 'hate' her as so many here seem to do. But the concept is skewed, if it's to save time. Driving to the store and buying the cakes alone - by then I could have made even from-scratch cake at home. Never mind what the cake supports & cookies cost.
But were those...Fruity Pebbles...they sprinkled on the cake....?
Mario Lopez is like the stale candy corn of eye candy. Only a few people will admit to actually eating it. Oh, snap.
Grocery store cakes being tasty? FAIL.
Grocery store iced cookies? FAIL.
Put them together, DOUBLE FAIL.
If that is the future of cake decorating...heavens help us.
I think the cake UNdecorated looked better. Sticking tacky cookies (I believe I saw green flowers. wth.) on anything isn't going to make it look fabulous.