
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Oh Poop (60)


Oh What A Difference A Letter Can Make

When Joe's wife was turning 30, he decided to "ease the pain" by ordering her a light-hearted cake. Unfortunately the baker's English wasn't that great, though, so "a little was lost in translation."

Joe thinks this version is funnier - let's just hope his wife agreed. :D



My favorite part was Joe's postscript, though:

"P.S. I never corrected the baker, sooo she still thinks this is how to spell CAKE... and she's a baker... who spells it CAKA."

Hey, it could always be worse, Joe. At least your baker only combined "cake" with "kaka" in writing:

The irony, of course, is now I actually need some Pepto Bismol.


Thanks to Joe S. and Jennifer P. for showing that some bakers really DO give a crap.


We Don't Need No Lava Soap, Pope

All everyone seems to be talking about right now is the new Pope, so I feel duty-bound to bring you some relevant cakes and punny commentary.

There's a new Pope in town - DON'T CROSS HIM.


I know, I know; that was terrible. Crappy, even. Here, let me see what else I've got ...

[searching wrecks]

Ok, so it turns out I have no Pope cakes. Who knew? Maybe everyone's making them today, and I'll have a big influx of funny hat cakes tomorrow? (Fingers crossed!) 

Ah, but I *do* have communion cakes, and those are kind of Pope-y, right?


 "Camunicen" must be one of the more obscure sacraments.


You won't think this next one is quite so terrible when I tell you the writing was done using nothing but those little squeeze packets of ketchup:


 I'll be lying when I tell you that, though, so maybe you should go ahead and keep thinking it's terrible.


I think this is supposed to be a Bible:

If so, then this bakery deserves to have the (good) book thrown at them.


Ever wonder what happens when a baker's ego gets SERIOUSLY out of control? 


Huh. And here I didn't know Donald Trump even liked cake decorating.


I do have a few more related wrecks, but I'm pretty sure if I posted them I'd start a holy war in the comments of Epcotian proportions.

In related news, would it surprise you to learn that I have not one, not two, but FOUR DIFFERENT CAKES shaped like the head of Jesus wearing the crown of thorns? And one shaped like Him bleeding on the cross? Because I do, people. THOSE CAKES EXIST. I feel sacrilegious just looking at them.

Thankfully I can turn to the patron saint of butchered shamrocks for comfort, though. And also for laughs.


Ok, mostly laughs.


Thanks to Shannon H., Stephanie C., Vicky H., Darla D., Shannon U., & Allison K., who shall henceforth be singing this jingle every time they see the Pope on TV. YOU'RE WELCOME.