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What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

5 Cakes To Kill The Mood (And Your Appetite) For Valentine's Day

Valentine's is coming, so you know what THAT means...

The faceless Ketchup man will soon hunt again.


Also that weird shape is gonna be EVERYWHERE. You know, the one that looks like a cross between a jelly bean and a maxi pad?


What's up with these, bakers?


And why do you always put that white strip in the middle?

Imagine serving this with a glass of blue Kool-Aid.


Now I kind of want one.


And if that doesn't clear the room fast enough, then how about the world's most cringe-inducing pregnancy announcement?


Three words: NOPE, NOPE, and more NOPE.


Thanks to Lea B., Stephanie T., Rachel B., Mab R. for putting us ALL in the mood... to have a headache.


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Reader Comments (16)

Um…… How many pairs of undies has the figure on the last cake been wearing?

February 13, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterShirley

That last one: WOW!

February 13, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterSusanD

How many sets of underwear do you need and why are you leashed? (No kinkshaming...)

February 13, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterFrankN.Stein

There's nothing like looking at gobs and gobs of icing to get ME in the mood! To eat it!

February 13, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterBea

So.. there are 2 extra sets of bras and panties on that last cake. Was she wearing them in layers? Or do they belong to the rest of that threesome? So many questions.

February 13, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterJenny

For Valentines day
(to the tune of A Whole New World)

I can show you poo swirls
Cupid made from old ketchup.
Tell me readers, now when did you just buy an Always cake?
I can make you soon hurl
Announce your baby with icing
Take you blunder by blunder
On a unromantic ride
A whole new world
A strange confusing point of view
Since no-one told us no
We proud to go
And make some V-shaped heart things
A whole new world
Confusing flour-based Valentines
Now when we're locked in here
It's crystal clear
That now we have a cleanup on aisle 2.

February 13, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterSomeone New

WELL, that last one is a cliffhanger, wouldn't you say? The woman, the ALMOST-there baby, and ---WTH is going on therethatIdon'twanttoknow?! =^>.<^=

February 13, 2019 | Unregistered Commentersendingtheclowns

On the last one, I have just one question...HOW MANY BRAS DOES ONE CAKE NEED??!?!?!?

February 13, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterMedith

The sad part is that the last cake was pretty well done, so you can't blame the baker for that one. O_o

February 13, 2019 | Unregistered Commentermindy1

“Cross between a jelly bean and a maxi pad”
Wine burns very much badly when shot out nose!

February 13, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterJessica

Look y'all... as a woman who has been pregnant at some point, I can tell you... sometimes you need to change it a few times a day. Don't ask why... nod and smile.

February 13, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterPedant

You know you wouldn't actually get to drink the blue Kool-Aid, right?
Though it would answer the question of how absorbent cupcake icing really is. It's for the sake of humanity.

(…What. Everyone else was focused on the last cake; I figured I'd mix it up.)

February 13, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterYet another Jen

"What's up with these, bakers?" What is up is that they are cupcake cakes. Heart shaped cake pans have been around for a century, at least (mine is over 65 years old), but they make cupcake "cakes"

February 13, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterAlison in Indiana

That last cake.................... it looks like the figure is wearing BVDs... it also looks like a murder-in-the-making with the rope around his/her neck...(not sure since the BVD;s along with the bra kind of make this a gender-fluid figure)... Awkward.

And the snail... OMG... put me in mind of the Monster that Challenged the Earth... a cheesy 50s sci-fi (is there anything finer?).. and THAT mollusk DID eat hearts... and a whole lot more...

February 14, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterMaryO1230

Well these would certainly make me never ever want to celebrate Valentine's I am glad I saw these after we celebrated lol.

February 15, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterArlene Marie

OK, if it had been "for the 3 of us", it could mean a nice romantic event with mom, dad, and future baby.

"With 3 of us" implies there are additional people involved. Which could explain the extra undies.

February 17, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterJamoche

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