
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

The Big-Ass, Laugh-Til-You-Get-The-Hiccups Post

So the other day I saw this on the interwebs:

And I laughed and I laughed 'til I gave myself the hiccups, and then I wondered how often this actually happens. (The sign thing, not the hiccups. I already know hiccups happen whenever the party has a sudden lull and you're in a big, echo-ey space.)


So even though you may have seen some of these before, I had to put them all up again. Because, FUN TRUE FACT, the more of these you see, the funnier it gets.






Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go drink a big glass of water.
Or maybe look at some C-section cakes for a good scare.


Thanks to Abigail E., Collen M., Gretchen O., Anony M., Justine T., & all of our inner 10-year-olds for making abbreviations FUN again.


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Reader Comments (56)

LOL I still have a giggle when our local supermarket has ASS CEREAL on sale. hahahaha why haven't they noticed yet! I know it means assorted but it's still worth a giggle.

June 3, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterpenguin tummy

One of my son's therapists works for Human Resource Associates. The name on the credit card receipt is Human Resource Ass. I laugh to myself every time. The even funnier piece is that they now go by HRA but someone hasn't changed the receipt printer.

June 3, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterkellyg

All the assistant managers out there should have name badges with ASS MAN on them.

June 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterSarah

I thought it couldn't get any better than "Toilet Slime Neon Ass." Then I saw "Welsh Lady Ass Fudge" and I lost it.
The store where I work shortens item names on the monitor and receipt, with sometimes hilarious results. Me and my coworkers can never keep a straight face when HOMO MILK (for homogenized milk) and especially DONGSAC (for Ding Dongs, and the AC stands for "after card," i.e. the sale price after they put their club card in) come up.

June 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterEmma

That Welsh woman ain't much of a "Lady" if she's selling her ass fudge... especially for that price!!

June 6, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterCali Kath

Omg ... I just HAD to read this at 3:00am, didn't I? ROFL (which is what I might do if it wasn't the early hours & we didn't have relatives & little ones staying with us ... so I had to stuff a teddy-paw into my mouth)! I have to admit, there were a few labels there I wasn't expecting. I'm glad that the obvious "a$$ dumpling" wasn't there, or I would've woken up the tots for sure! XD

June 27, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAspieGirl88

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