
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Missed Marks (411)


Hats Off for Graduates!

Ok, enough misspellings.

Let's see what happens when Wreckerators unleash their artistic sides.

A road sign being licked by a yellow frog?
A graduation cap.
Yeah, and John says *I* don't keep things in perspective.

(And don't think we don't see that "class" screw-up, Mr. Wreckator, 'cuz we do.)

Just to give you an idea, here's a good drawing of a grad cap:

And now back to the Wrecked versions:

In this context, "graduate" = "butthead."

(And you're not imagining it; I did feature this same "design" last year.)

Do you suppose if you turn the crank the dragonfly takes off?
(Give it a minute. You'll see 'em.)

Apparently this Wreckerator mixed up graduation cap with graduation hood:

That, or maybe s/he's a Star Wars fan?

Hey, I'm sure the Senate Guard have graduation ceremonies, too.

I never knew grad caps came with ear flaps:

Must be a Canadian thing.

Here's a good reminder to always use protection:

So be smart, kids. Always use a towel to catch those crumbs.

(Brought to you by Towel Day: Do you know where your towel is?)

Christine M., Jyap, Reena B., Jared C., Ashlee A., & Emily L., way to use your heads.


A Few Of Jen's Favorite Things

Loyal henchpersons, today is my birthday.

No, please - please, remain in your seats. I realize your whole-hearted devotion compels you to rise and applaud, whoop, cat-call, etc., but that's really not necessary.

Oh, alright, just for a few minutes, then. If you must.

[big grin]

Now, on to the presents!!! Who wants to go first?

?!? What's this? You didn't get me *anything*? Really? Hmph. Well, fine. I'll find my own presents. Yeah. I'll just make a little self-indulgent list of some of my favorite things, and since it's my birthday, and my blog, you can't stop me.

First, of course, my favorite favorite thing is John. There aren't many cake versions of John out there, but I did find one:

I should probably point out that John looks better than this. Much better.
Plus he has hands, so that makes him like the Chippendales version 3.001.

I also love my cats, Lily and Tonks.

They also look better than this.

For fun, I enjoy playing the odd video game.

Speaking of "odd":

Here, I'll help you out. It's supposed to look like this:

As a voracious reader who finds excuses to use words like "voracious," I know Harry Potter will always hold a special place on my bookshelves:

The most depressing HP design ever.

Let's not forget some of my favorite movies!

Duuude. Is this really a Ghostbusters cake? Because *I'm* "not ready to believe."

How do you segue from Ghostbusters to Star Wars? With this:

Slimer and Jabba's love child.

Someone's had their eye on this one for a while:

Get it? "Had their eye on?" Eh? Eh?
See, that's a little dark lord humor for ya.

And now some of my favorite shows:

Just seeing if you're paying attention.

And if you thought I was serious, then as Sheldon would say...


After yesterday's nurse tribute, it seems fitting to have a Doctor shout-out:

Although I'm pretty sure he's a bit older than 36.
Still, this Wreckerator gets an "A" for effort.
("Astoundingly apathetic.")

At this point you're probably wondering where the Disney cake is, since you know I love Disney. "Maybe she used them all up in that awful Mickey post," you're thinking.

Did I, though? Or did I just save the best, most wreckalicious and dreadfully hilarious Mickey cake of all for today? Hmm?

"O Mickey, you're so fine,
Your unibrow just blows my mind.
Hey Mickey!"

Patty J., Sarah R., Monique B., Erin M., Tiffany G., Meghann H., Nicole L., Melissa F., Natalie E., Nicole K., & Maisoon, thanks for sending in all my birthday cakes. You rock.


Before you go, I have one more *new* favorite thing to share. Something I've been wanting for a long time. Something I've been secretly working towards for months, hoping against all odds to have by my birthday. Something you just might be interested in:

A new blog.

Yes, really.

In fact, it's SO new the virtual paint is still wet, but if you enjoy my inane nattering here on CW, then odds are you might enjoy them over there, too.

Click here to check it out.

But don't expect any cake. ;)