
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Do You See What I See (185)



Last one, I promise.

Is it just me, or does something seem a little off about this King Cake?

Then again, I guess that is where you'd expect to find a baby.

Thanks to Britney L., who thinks this labor of love is a real crowning achievement.


Twins' Night Out


From a distance,
You look liiiike some boobs,

Even though I know you're not.

From a distance,
How could I eeeeaaaeeever choose,
A sleeping jughead tot?

From a distance,
We've all had enough,
And this won't be allowed to stand.
And there is no way - no how
That you cannot seeeee!
Big frosted tracts of land.

Thanks to Gina C., who would like to remind bakers that God is watching us.