
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

It's My Blog and I'll Flog if I Want To...

I realize that some of you are about to get extremely upset with me, so allow me to apologize in advance for any sudden peaks in blood pressure or massive coronaries this post causes. You see, judging by some of the e-mails/comments I've received in the past, apparently every time I publish a post without a cake in it lovers quarrel, birds fall from the sky, and another angel dies. Or something like that - I couldn't really tell through all the trollish grunting.

But, I digress.

Yes, folks, much as I hate/love to admit it, Cake Wrecks has been nominated on another awards site. And yes, I will now ask you - with what I hope is an appropriate amount of humble self-loathing - to consider voting for it. If you can see past the blinding hatred this request has incurred, that is. I mean, sure, there's no cake in this post, BUT, what if I promise to flog myself most vigorously later this afternoon? Could we call it even then?

What's that? The award thing? Oh, right.

It's the famous Bloggies, and Cake Wrecks has been nominated in three categories: Best New Blog, Best Writing, and Best Food Blog. As I said in my sidebar notice which no one has noticed: if you don't agree with my being nominated for Best Food Blog, please, don't vote for me there! All of the other nominees are fantastic blogs, and well deserving of the win.

Voting is super easy: you can vote for all your favorite blogs on one ballot, and no registration is required. All you need is an e-mail address. Plus, I'm reasonably certain that this is the last awards session for the year, so after this I'll only be able to irritate you with the occasional new shirt design or funny video. (Drat.)


Or don't. You know, if you want me to be sad. (I'm giving you "Bambi eyes" right now - is it working?)


Well, the word "holy" DID come to mind...

Ok, sure: this first communion cake is atrocious. (Is the dove molting? And why are there more choking hazards on this - something a child is supposed to eat - than in your average Lego set?)

Still, you have to admire the wreckerator's tenacity in scrawling the inscription right over the plastic flotsam. That, my friends, is commitment! No namby-pamby dashes, squished text, or downward spirals here, no sir! This baker does not deviate, does not falter! S/he trudges onward even in the face of crippling ridicule, turning a deaf ear to nay-sayers, a blind eye to the warning signs of impending disaster, a numb hand to the piping bag, a stuffed-up nose to the smell of burning batter, and an insensate tongue to the bitter dregs of defeat!!

[sits back down]

Ok, so maybe I was reaching a little with that metaphor. I thought I was doing well until the "burning batter" bit, though. [taps teeth with pen] Huh.

Still, I think we can all learn something here. Something about perseverance, something about throwing caution to the wind, something about...oh, I dunno... picking the cake up more than 30 minutes before the party starts? [nodding] Yeah, that, too.

Note: Since I get asked a lot, many of you will no doubt be relieved to learn that Wreckporter Holly later received a full refund. You'll remember that more-than-30-minutes-beforehand thing next time, right, Holly? :)