
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Let Me Continue to Count the Ways

Yesterday I promised you more ridiculous/creative misspellings of the word "birthday."

Which probably has you wondering, "Just how much more ridiculous can it get? It's a simple word! Sure, you might forget a letter, or switch a few up, but that's it, right?"

[shaking head] Oh, ye of little faith.


Does that really say "Happy Birdholq?"

Why yes, yes it does.

And note how the 'q' was added on later, as if that somehow fixed the problem.

Sometimes you can tell just by looking at a cake the exact moment when the decorator got distracted and had to take a break.

Maybe the "p" triggered certain sprinkle cravings, if you catch my drift.

This may not be a huge error, but it's definitely one of the most fun to read out loud. Bipthday. It trips drunkenly off the tongue, don't you think?

Of course, there's the momentary distraction, and then there's this:

I love imagining what happened between the "t" and the "L." Some kind of digestive emergency? A phone order? Or was it just break time?

Speaking of imagination, you'll need yours to decipher this next one:

I'm guessing that's either "Binday" or "Benday."

Regardless, Edgar must be one really colorful character.

This next one isn't so much switching letters around as it is playing word jumble with them:

"Birdthay?" Sounds flighty to me.

Here's one for the 1920's gangster in all of us:

"Boithday" - Now there's an offer you can't refuse.

This is why you don't order a cake when you have a cold:

You know, 'cuz that's how you say it when your nose is stuffed up? Yes? No?

And finally, what could very well be my new favorite (narrowly edging out "epi burf day"):

Happy Barthy.

Not just "Barthy," mind you: it's "Barthy, period." No exclamation points, no dashes: just period. Yeah. Put that little pine branch on your number 4 candle and smoke it.

Bill F., Ashley J., Bev, Teresa V., Cassie P., Hannah W., & Lester H., great job. Period.

- Related Wreckage: Cake Writing 201: Congratulations

Note: For those of you keeping count, that's 18 different misspellings of "birthday" so far. Eighteen. Parents, if you have a new baby in the house, this could even be your yearly checklist. Just sayin'.


Let Me Count the Ways

Loyal Wreckies, I am positively giddy to share one of my favorite collections of wrecks with you today. You see, with "birthday" arguably being the second most common word written on cakes these days ("happy" being the first) I'm always amazed when Wreckerators spell it wrong. Which means I'm amazed a LOT.

Then I started wondering: Just how many ways can you accidentally misspell "birthday?"

Thus began my journey. And so far, it's had some surprising destinations, lemme tell ya.

First, there's the expected stuff:

Ah, the ol' two letter switcharoo. Probably the most common misspelling out there.

Ok, so they forgot the 'H.' Also extremely common. Next!

They forgot the 'R'? Ok, now I'm curious: Do you think we can find cakes missing every letter in the word "birthday"?


Aw, c'mon, you doubting Thomases. This'll be fun.

Do I hear a missed 'T'?


The "th20" in the upper corner is like the dyslexic cherry top on.

Now how about a missed 'H'?

Even better!

A missed 'D'?

Aww, yeeeeah. Now we're cookin'.

Let's get a little crazy. You think anyone's ever missed the 'Y'?

"Y" not?

Ok, but surely - SURELY - no one has ever forgotten to write the 'B' in 'birthday', right?



(Are you guys as excited about this as I am?)

Drum roll, please!


Now that's what I'm TALKIN' 'bout.
(Also, check out the white roses masquerading as clouds. Impostors!)

Believe it or not, the only letter I've yet to see missed entirely is the 'I.' [UPDATE: Oh, and the 'A'. Oops. Sorry!] HOWEVER, I have seen this:

Poor Aaron.

And this:

That's some good clean fun, right there.

And would you believe we're just getting started? That's right, it's allll downhill from here. You'll have to tune in tomorrow, though, because John starts getting this funny little eye twitch every time I post more than half a dozen Wrecks at a time, and right now they're kind of bulging out in a way that simply can NOT be healthy. (His eyes, that is - not the wrecks. [Although, truth be told, some of them are kind of bulgy.])

So tomorrow, then. Be there, or be without amazingly hilarious misspelling of "birthday." And then where will you be?

Lia F., Lea G., Megan M., Keisha S., Diane C., Lex, Sandy, Erika K., Lauren, & Brian D., if you're keeping score, we're currently up to an imperfect 10. And if not, well, we're still up to 10.

- Related Wreckage: The Cutest Misspellings of "Happy Birthday" I Have Ever Seen